's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

I divide my officers into four classes:
the clever
the lazy
the industrious
and the stupid.
Each officer posses at least two of these qualities.

Those who are clever & industrious are fitted for the highest staff appointments.

Use can be made of those who are stupid & lazy.

The man who is clever & lazy however, is for the very highest command; he has the temperment & the nerves to deal with all situations.

Whoever is stupid and industrious is a menace and must be removed immediatly.

- Gen-Baron von Hammersteiner, Equord C-C, Reichswehr

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Military Word Of The Day
Civilian Performance Planning and Review

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Today in Military History

June 6


British defeat American army at Stoney Creek, Upper Canada


D-Day, Canadian casualties are described as "light"; 340 killed, 574 wounded, 47 captured




NORTH-WEST EUROPE 194-45, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 5 May 45)


R.R.C. - based in Toronto. Served in England and France - parachuted in to France.


Lt. Andre van Kerre Broeck- de Sonneville Belgian Army/Resistance fighter/Dutch-French Connection walks back to Belgium barefoot after 3 years of Nazi incarceration

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