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COVID vaccine mass law tort?

Well I was told no such thing.
I had never even had a flu shot before, but it was pretty obvious right from the start that this was different.

And, as working in the first building to completely shut down from covid, I had a front row seat to people having to take knees even halfway through a shift and get wheeled out.

EDIT: and it ended up being way more then quoted in the article, this was just the start.

I have no idea what you were told or not, I know I read and was told all kinds of things. As I stated above. Talks a walk through YouTube and you find complications of information that was pushed regarding the vaccine that wasn't true.

Like you, I've never had the flu shot, and still won't get it.

I was in Sicily and left the country because NATO ordered us out the day before Italy became the first country in the west to shut down. And I spent 141 days in a tin can and on patrol after that. I know the Stalker crash affected people, but it's my uneducated belief that we don't recognize the effect that 141 days had fully. It was a bizarre time.

I had COVID and never had a symptom. And I don't know anyone who had it and has lingering problems or really took a hit from it. But my circle, military and civilian, tends to be 45 and under and in pretty good shape. So we probably lack the amplifiers that really hit others.

Like I said above, maybe I'm wrong.

Good 10 min video

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How do you feel about those service members who are now suffering from vaccine injuries due to this vaccine? Fuck 'em, they had a choice?
What the hell did I say to deserve that type of response?

Do I feel for those service members? To a degree, yes. All service members get vaccinated at some time or another, either before or during service. Some, occasionally, suffer adverse reactions from medications (think malaria meds. for example.). Why was this one any different?

The COVID-19 vaccine became a Condition of Employment (CoE) for the public service. If I don't meet all my COEs, there are consequences up to and including the loss of employment.

Each member made their own informed decision based on the information they trusted to inform them. Some of my teammates made the same decision and bore the consequences, as short lived as they really were.
I don't watch anything that is stupid enough to use the word "experts" when discussing covid. You just know what is inside is unaldulteraded bullshit. There were no covid 'experts',...it was an all new communicable disease, unless we want to go into some NWO deep dive conspiracy.....and I don't.
I don't watch anything that is stupid enough to use the word "experts" when discussing covid. You just know what is inside is unaldulteraded bullshit. There were no covid 'experts',...it was an all new communicable disease, unless we want to go into some NWO deep dive conspiracy.....and I don't.

Well... Ok... That doesn't change the fact lots of stuff was said by people in positions of power and influence that has since been shown to be suspect... if not down right lies, and lots of people (Majority ?) made decisions based on this.

Ya the only NWO I know is Naval Warfare Officers and they have neat mustache badges.
There are CAF members (and many others in our society) who felt forced or under financial/social duress to get these vaccines and are now suffering medically for the rest of their life from that.

How many?
I know anecdote is not evidence and I am firmly in favour of vaccines, but I know personally of one aircrew who will probably never fly again due to an adverse COVID vaccine reaction.

It did happen, at least a few times.

I don't doubt it. I'd be curious to see data on adverse reactions within the CAF (a relatively healthy cohort) and if this is substantially different than reactions in wider Canadian society and reactions to other mandated vaccines that most of these folks likely had no problem taking.

Anyways, the important factor is that this lawsuit is not about COVID vaccine science, its about CAF members arguing that a lawful command which they chose to disregard was in fact unlawful. Considering the number of other shots I've gotten over the past few years, I'd say good luck with that.
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I don't doubt it. I'd be curious to see data on adverse reactions within the CAF (a relatively healthy cohort) and if this is substantially different than reactions in wider Canadian society and reactions to other mandated vaccines that most of these folks likely had no problem taking.

Anyways, the important factor is that this lawsuit is not about COVID vaccine science, its about CAF members arguing that a lawful command which they chose to disregard was in fact unlawful. Considering the number of other shots I've gotten over the past few years, I'd say good luck with that.
Totally agree. I have been ordered to take substantially more risky medication/vaccinations in my career than COVID vaccine. And it was legal.

I think what some people fail to realize is that CAF members can be ordered to do risky things that have substantial risk of harm to the individual, if the reason is good enough. The chain of command should never be capricious about that risk. Again- I don’t think that was really the case with COVID vaccine. I too, would like to see the numbers about adverse vaccine reactions in CAF members. Just because I am curious.
Considering the number of other shots I've gotten over the past few years, I'd say good luck with that.
Y'all got a helmet to put on?

On about Day 1 of Basic in Cornwallis we lined up in the MIR, rolled our sleeves up and medics popped us with a bunch of different vaccines. No one refused (because Archie Rafters was a man to be feared).
How many?
I second SKT on this...I know anecdote is not evidence, but...

A girl who I've worked with for the past 7 years had some incredibly serious adverse reactions to her vaccine shots

She's had multiple blood clots (one in her leg, another in her chest) and has had some troubles with her heart - all since being vaccinated, and I can attest she didn't have these issues before.

She was never a tiny girl, but I wouldn't have called her 'a big girl' either by any means. She's probably put on 20-30lbs because she's afraid to exercise or even push herself physically due to her heart & blood clot issues

So, there are some. I'm guessing there are quite a few that have had minor adverse reactions that we will never hear about
had some incredibly serious adverse reactions to her vaccine shots

For Ontario workers,
I had a reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine. Can I get WSIB benefits/file a claim?

I was in Sicily and left the country because NATO ordered us out the day before Italy became the first country in the west to shut down. And I spent 141 days in a tin can and on patrol after that. I know the Stalker crash affected people, but it's my uneducated belief that we don't recognize the effect that 141 days had fully. It was a bizarre time.
I don't doubt the psychological and emotional impact this had on the crew. A study should be done 9despite the small sample size) on what worked to help build resiliency to the situation, or if there were individuals who had traits that predisposed them to react better or worse to this type of confinement.

However, what would have been the impact on the crew if no one had gotten vaccinated and COVID broke out among the crew en-masse with no port willing to accept you outside of Canada? What would have been the impact on individuals than?
I don't doubt the psychological and emotional impact this had on the crew. A study should be done 9despite the small sample size) on what worked to help build resiliency to the situation, or if there were individuals who had traits that predisposed them to react better or worse to this type of confinement.

However, what would have been the impact on the crew if no one had gotten vaccinated and COVID broke out among the crew en-masse with no port willing to accept you outside of Canada? What would have been the impact on individuals than?
I don't think you will ever get a good answer out of THAT ship, because with the added trauma of the Stalker crash, it would be impossible to separate the lasting effect of the confinement form the lasting effect of the death of 6 shipmates.

That being said, 2 ships subsequently deployed with hear total confinement throughout their 6 month deployments. (TOR and HAL I believe?)
I don't think you will ever get a good answer out of THAT ship, because with the added trauma of the Stalker crash, it would be impossible to separate the lasting effect of the confinement form the lasting effect of the death of 6 shipmates.

That being said, 2 ships subsequently deployed with hear total confinement throughout their 6 month deployments. (TOR and HAL I believe?)
Specific to the COVID question, I would agree. However, it actually provides a better data set for resiliency given the additional trauma the crew incurred. This would be an area where the Navy could implement a long term study to track those individuals to see what the long term impacts were. Are there any common traits for those who continued on and prospered both at home and at work vs. those who were less able to able to bounce back and return to their own normal. We are always saying on this forum that the CAFs role is to produce warfighters who get the job done, and I think finding individuals who can psychologically deal with the above is an important component.
That is not a realistic standard.
I would tend to agree with you if the circumstances were different. Such as these new vaccines worked like traditional vaccines, the risk of bad outcomes for health people was significant (it wasn't), and the flu wasn't mysteriously and miraculously eradicated.

But coupled with those circumstances and the too many lies early on, nope.
I would tend to agree with you if the circumstances were different. Such as these new vaccines worked like traditional vaccines, the risk of bad outcomes for health people was significant (it wasn't), and the flu wasn't mysteriously and miraculously eradicated.

But coupled with those circumstances and the too many lies early on, nope.
Well, I am not going to convince you of anything.
However, what would have been the impact on the crew if no one had gotten vaccinated and COVID broke out among the crew en-masse with no port willing to accept you outside of Canada? What would have been the impact on individuals than?

Just a point of clarity, no one was vaccinated on that trip. The vaccines came out after we got home.

To your other points, I too wish/hope the RCN or CAF is doing a long term study into the effects of long term ship confinement.