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Recent content by Brad Sallows

  1. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    Seems to be a bidirectional flow. And looking back over history, it always has been.
  2. Brad Sallows

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    Fewer choices and higher prices? I suppose anyone who chooses anti-prosperity should be welcome to it.
  3. Brad Sallows

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    The Auto Pact and everything spawned from it are mostly understood to have been more to Canada's advantage than the US's, and dependent on a certain amount of forbearance on the latter's part. The same could be said for some other important things. Meanwhile we have people high in government...
  4. Brad Sallows

    Have your say on the future of Canadian Military Colleges: Review Board launches consultations with Canadians online portal

    If the government wants out from under the heat of scandals at mil cols, just close them. They are bound to draw more attention than plain ordinary universities. Let the gender mix be driven by applicants who attend aforementioned institutions.
  5. Brad Sallows

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    How often does Trump have to flinch on deadlines or react to probable backroom conversations with leaders of various US industries and financial agencies and institutions before people realize the problem is likely to be resolved by Americans and that we ought not to pay irrecoverable costs and...
  6. Brad Sallows

    The CAF Post Trump

    Against what (whom)? What kinds of wars, and where? We already have that (control, which is different from defence). Devil's Advocate: to resist whom, and given that, what would be the point of resistance movements - what would an occupier change that merits loss of life and sabotage (which...
  7. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    A stunt. Congress already has authority to restrain military operations by presidents, assuming they care to exercise it. If they won't exercise it, unnecessary showboat legislation won't help.
  8. Brad Sallows


    That sounds like the camel's nose of corporatism. Just let businesses figure out their own markets, and try to stay out of their way. Wood products aren't a scarce and strategically vital commodity.
  9. Brad Sallows

    U.S. Annexing Canada (split fm Liberal Minority thread)

    If a region opts to negotiate to leave Canada and then to negotiate to enter the US as a state, the possibility will appear negligible until a tipping point is reached at which a preference cascade emerges suddenly. At that point it will be hard to arrest. Canada is weak right now. Health...
  10. Brad Sallows

    The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

    I find it increasingly difficult to gin up much enthusiasm for this country.
  11. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    Space flight means risk. STS-51-L, STS-107.
  12. Brad Sallows

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    If you bought stocks before they dropped and you sell now, you lose money. If you have cash in hand, it might be a good time to buy stocks for which the share price has dipped.
  13. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    Landed pretty much where I expected. Authority to analyze and recommend, but not to order. It moves the opposition's fight to the constitutionally-appointed department heads. "According to two administration officials, Trump told top members of his administration that Musk was empowered to...
  14. Brad Sallows

    Russian espionage

    Top spy masquerading as part-time broom wallah...
  15. Brad Sallows

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    Although we can't control who and what the US lets in, we can control who and what we let in. Enforcement problems should mostly be solved at our entry points other than those along Canada-US borders.