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Recent content by icunurse

  1. I

    BMOQ Regular Force 2014 - 2017 [Merged]

    Good evening everyone, I am starting BMOQ on the 19th as a nursing officer, I have been a nurse for three years both on a peadiatric floor and in intensive care unit. My pay at the moment is good and higher than what I will be making starting as a nursing officer. I know that the officer...
  2. I

    BMOQ Regular Force 2014 - 2017 [Merged]

    drbones, My recruiting center gave me a certified copy on all the documents I will need to bring with me in St-Jean, my birth certificate, my wedding certificate and my bachelor diploma.
  3. I

    BMOQ Regular Force 2014 - 2017 [Merged]

    I think 0050 will be a bilingual platoon since some have it as F and others as E
  4. I

    BMOQ Regular Force 2014 - 2017 [Merged]

    Im in 0050E as a nursing officer from Montreal.
  5. I

    CAF deploys to fight Ebola (Op SIRONA)

    As a "soon to be" member of the Canadian Forces, I thought it was all about working together and helping eachother towards the same goals...not about diminishing or generalizing the members of a particular profession...
  6. I

    BMOQ Regular Force 2014 - 2017 [Merged]

    I will be there too, DEO Nursing Officer, my swear in is January 6th in Montreal.
  7. I

    Prochain QMBO

    J'ai eu une offre pour un QMBO en français commençant le 19 Janvier
  8. I

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    I am with CRFC Montreal
  9. I

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Got an offer too for DEO nursing officer, swear in on January 6 and BMOQ january 17th :)
  10. I

    Anyone applying for nursing officer

    Hi, I am from Montréal and I applied for DEO nursing officier about a year ago, was on the Merit list in September and just got an offer yesterday to start  in January. Good luck to you
  11. I

    Selection Dates 2013-2018

    Hi DAA, Would you be aware of any selection dates for DEO Nursing Officer, I have been on the merit list since august. Thank you