Of course polls can be and have been wrong, but I think Carney and his camp have injected a sense of optimism in the campaign vs. the constant negatives presented by Poilievre. I understand Poilievre isn’t too popular in Quebec and it will be interesting to see provincial breakdowns and how...
I agree. Other countries have stood up alone in the face of impending aggression by larger nations. This is where we have to show if we have any backbone. We’ve had it too easy for too long.
Danielle Smith…what can I say? Just being Danielle Smith? Severely dislikes Doug Ford. But she sure cozies up to those who would invade us.
Just imagine all of the many great minds and scientists being laid off in all the various government departments. What a windfall that could be if Canada made an effort to offer a home to some of the best of the best.
It’s a lot more than just math and mass, unless you’re talking about traditional battlefield operations. Afghanistan and Vietnam proved otherwise, and took a lot of American and coalition lives as a result. It all depends on how much of a military-against-military war it is as opposed to one...
Right now I don’t think it likely happen. But if Trump manages to convince enough Americans that we are the scum of the earth and he has replaced pretty much all of his top brass in the military with those who swear fealty to him, then it could and may happen. I’m convinced that he wants to...
I’m sure that if Chrétien had a job that required meeting the current President of the United States he would give him a nice heart-felt Shawinigan handshake.
I actually re-read your initial post several times before replying, knowing that you would probably take exception to what I said. Pretty much every member here admits that Trump lies and is a jerk. I’m not saying that you are a fan of his. And I’m definitely not a fan of Trudeau…or...
You’re right politicians in Canada have lied. from all parties—CPC, LPC, NDP, etc have lied. But I’ve never in my many days on this planet witnessed anything like what Trump is doing to subvert democracy. If you see Trump as a freedom fighter for the American people despite his lies, then...
The mere fact that the question is even being considered at the highest circles suggests that the NATO alliance is in serious trouble. With America having been the free world’s “leader” for many decades, the lack of European and Canadian confidence due to Trump is surely something Putin is...
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