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Recent content by SomeoneElsesProbIem

  1. S

    Time from Medical Exam sent to Ottawa to Competition List

    Typically how long does it take to get results from your medical exam? The medical staff said it should be 2-3 weeks, but when I called the recruitment centre to confirm they received the extra information letters, they said I should get results in 3 weeks - 3 Months? Do I have still have a...
  2. S

    Potential Disqualifier - Micro Siezures as a kid

    I have my medical booked soon and I'm just wondering if anyone has any insight as to my odds of being able to enlist. Between 7 and 8, I had what was described as Micro Seizures. It only occurred 3 times and I was never given any medication for it, nor was diagnosed with Epilepsy. I know it's...