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Recent content by SweepstakesRon

  1. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    I see, yeah I haven't applied just an I still need to get my class F.  I'm just finishing off highschool.  I have a co-op this seemster with the local fire department, and then next semester I have one with the EMS.
  2. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    True, and thats soemthign I jsut thought of recently.  I was originally considering that because you need level c rescuer to take a paramedic course.
  3. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    Well a fellow unit memebr jsut got his cerrtification back today.  It's only Class B REscuer certificartion, and of course Standard First-Aid.  So looks like i'll have to take a seperate course to get class C.
  4. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    Yeah mine was 2 days, and I had a Medic from 23 Field Ambulance teach it.
  5. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    I'm thinking I might goto Conestoga for Primary Care Paramedic.  Also just wondering, the first-aid through BMQ what level of certification does that translate to civi side?
  6. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    Awesome, I think i'll look into that.  Thanks
  7. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    Really, know of any places that offer programs like this?
  8. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    That's already my plan, but thats about a 2 year course, so that'd be about 3 years,  So I might have to stick infantry for a while and do my DP1.
  9. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    No kidding eh? Looks like it's Infantry for me.
  10. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    Well I took my first-aid in BMQ and loved it and want to get more involved with health-care.  I love my unit and all, but I jsut thinking Medic would be more interesting, and help me career wise aswell. It's also not looking to good as I found this thread on somebody in the exact same boat as...
  11. SweepstakesRon

    Looking to remuster to Medic

    I'm currently infantry in RHFC but I would like to remusted to Medic, most likely 23 Field Ambulance.  I'm SQ qualified and was wondering what steps I should take to switch?
  12. SweepstakesRon

    Joining the Reserves Medics

    One question from somebody who has no idea on this whole thing.  What if somebody had no civi training as a paramedic or in the medical field in general.  Any tips on becoming a medic or any advise in general?