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Recent content by toyotaecho25

  1. T

    BMQ and Release

    to all the people with bad attidudes you need to take a closer look at yourself. i was just looking for info, and you have no respect for anyone. at least i am proud of my son, and i stand behind him no matter what his decision. he is far from a baby. and you would be proud if you had a son like...
  2. T

    BMQ and Release

    ok, like i said, maybe i made a mistake coming on here, all I wanted was info. Dont tell me to get stuffed.....I wasnt rude to you. anways, enjoy your military life..... b/c that is what YOU chose to do. ok so i didnt know what a Pat plattoon was...like whatever.. anyways, I am out of here for...
  3. T

    BMQ and Release

    vern, they may not be released but they are held back.. anyways, thanks again for all your positive and negative opions...
  4. T

    BMQ and Release

    vern, could you please tell me why you are so defensive, all i asked is..why cant they be released sooner. I asked if anyone has experienced this. You and many others here have gone off on me. I dont need nor want to be crapped on. thanks for everyones input. hagd
  5. T

    BMQ and Release

    I agree Jesse with what you said. So, he made a mistake. Its not for everyone. But he would rather be back here and working at his old job ... so he isnt cut out for it..big deal, so are alot of others.
  6. T

    BMQ and Release

    I appreciate your comments, however was hoping for positive ones. I did forget to mention, that I was in the military back in 1984 and when someone wanted out, they were gone. I dont understand why it just takes so long now. That was my one and only question here. Thanks.
  7. T

    BMQ and Release

    yes it is against their will. they asked to get out. they said at any time they could ask for their release. why did the platoon start off with 70 ppl and in less than a week are down to under 50, something wrong here.
  8. T

    BMQ and Release

    first of all, i dont do everything for my son, thank you. I was wondering if anyone esle went through this. Everyone makes a decision and realizes its not for them. I stand BEHIND him...and back him up NO MATTER what his decision. It is my tax money too. All of you who responded, you all are...
  9. T

    BMQ and Release

    My son along with 132 other members are awaiting to be released. He realized the military wasnt for him. They told him and others it would take 6 weeks for them to be out of St. Jean. He is so angry. Why would they keep them there, pay them, feed them for 6 weeks and waste Govt money. He and...