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ueo's latest activity

  • ueo
    ueo replied to the thread Hamas invaded Israel 2023.
    Again whats this to do with the funding issue? You appear to want to stir things well beyond what I consider a base issue.
  • ueo
    ueo replied to the thread Hamas invaded Israel 2023.
    Don't think that was said or inferred! Just wondering if the protesters have considered the CONSEQUENCES of their demands.
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to Gunnar's post in the thread Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms with Humorous Humorous.
    They're in case of bullet wounds. We're a fighting military.
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to Navy_Pete's post in the thread Current Dress Regs with Like Like.
    That's good news, only taken 2 years. I hope they realize the entire jawline is part of the sealing area, so basically leaves you with a...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to QV's post in the thread Current Dress Regs with Like Like.
    We need the popcorn emoji. This is going to be hilarious to watch unfold.
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to OldSolduer's post in the thread Current Dress Regs with Like Like.
    From what I can glean from these threads and guys I know it seemed for a while the whole beard thing etc "its because the troops want...
  • ueo
    ueo replied to the thread Hamas invaded Israel 2023.
    Wonder if the alleged tall foreheads and bright sparks yammering about divestment have looked out beyond breakfast tomorrow. Unis...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to KevinB's post in the thread The War in Ukraine with Like Like.
    Not just arty. They blew a lot of that trying to stem the Ukrainian attacks last year. The NK arty ‘save’ helped them somewhat - but...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to KevinB's post in the thread Infantry Vehicles with Like Like.
    Given the ARNG can run Abram’s and Bradley’s it make zero sense that Canada’s Army Reserves couldn’t do the same. Yes it would...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to quadrapiper's post in the thread Infantry Vehicles with Like Like.
    Question: someone mentioned lines of communication. How rough should those vehicles be able to handle? Even in BC, there's a pretty...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to FJAG's post in the thread Infantry Vehicles with Insightful Insightful.
    Couldn't agree more. The problem is that the army still in the "deploy a battle-group based on company-sized modules" mode. This model...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to rmc_wannabe's post in the thread Current Dress Regs with Like Like.
    I honestly blame the integration of DND and CAF over the last 30 years for a lot of the woes we see in the realm of morale. I have...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to Cloud Cover's post in the thread Current Dress Regs with Like Like.
    When Kipling published his words about Tommy Atkins* , the British public had a very strong disdain for the soldiers, and in particular...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to Quirky's post in the thread Current Dress Regs with Like Like.
    There isn't a lot of will and effort to enforce the standards of an organization that doesn't care about you. The lack of enforcement...
  • ueo
    ueo reacted to KevinB's post in the thread Infantry Vehicles with Like Like.
    Chicken v Egg. The CA really needs to decide what it’s wants to be when it grows up. Regardless my thoughts on organizing it, until...