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  1. FJAG

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

  2. FJAG

    The CAF Post Trump

    Trudeau was in London last week at a major NATO summit meeting (which the US didn't attend). Other than the usual statement of support for Ukraine, I have heard butkus as to what Canada is doing about defence. About the only messaging that I'm getting from the Liberals is that Poilievre is the...
  3. FJAG

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Bad this morning. Good right now.
  4. FJAG

    Collapse of the Assad Regime

    The Daily Mail - that paragon of the UK press - has reported on it and pegs the numbers at around 1,000. As is CBC :(
  5. FJAG

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    Ran well during the day but dragging again all evening 🍻
  6. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    I haven't voiced that out loud, but it's been playing in my mind for a few days now. The person who controls the timing of chaos can make enormous profits in the market. I have no idea as to whether the concept of blind trusts is a thing in the US or if Trump would even care as he'd circumvent...
  7. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    The way things are going with 47, there may soon be plenty of capacity in idle vehicle manufacturing facilities. If anyone in Ottawa is listening for ideas for where to put money into Tariff related job disruption, here it is - a self sufficient defence industry to fill the empty factories. -...
  8. FJAG


    That's the point though - "if." They've both had fairly robust combat teams in Latvia's multinational eFP battle group which is led by Canada. However, when NATO decided to create a multinational brigade group, we took the lead for the bde HQ and added some components (such as tanks and a more...
  9. FJAG


    Spain and Italy are already in Latvia. I'm not sure how much further they stepped up on the brigade formation or are willing to commit more. There is a big difference between a trip wire force and a viable fighting force of considerable mass. 🍻
  10. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    It's been a perpetual issue since David had to find a replacement cord for his sling. When you keep systems well past there useful shelf life and manufacturers have gone on to make new systems, the older parts supply will dry up. Manufacturers won't bind themselves to perpetual ongoing...
  11. FJAG

    New Navigation System for the US Army to backstop GPS.

    🤣 I had a pretty good track record as a GPO and FOO with just a map and a compass . . . but then I wasn't routinely calling 155 rounds down on Danger Close missions within 80 metres of my own troops. These days I'd take all the tech aides that I can get my hands on. 🍻
  12. FJAG

    Army Reserve Restructuring

  13. FJAG

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    And is planning on cutting spending. :unsure:
  14. FJAG

    New Navigation System for the US Army to backstop GPS.

    The LINAPS (Laser Inertial Navigation Artillery Pointing System) from Leonardo has been in use by British and Canadian artillery and several other countries since early part of the century. It was purchased by Canada on a UOR in 2006 and installed on our M777s in the field in Afghanistan in 2007...
  15. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    If anyone is interested in more information on the 10/90 concept of the 1990s as experienced by the artillery and the infantry then this PhD thesis written by a student at the City University Business School in London in 1996 provides some good detail. It touches specifically on the 3 PPCLI...
  16. FJAG


    6 month rotos are a killer. I don't know why we haven't learned that from Afghanistan. Make Latvia a posting. If we want to send a "peacekeeping force" to Ukraine then build a core and recruit specifically for it. A bn of 600 pers has 350 cpls and ptes and another 100 MCpls. That's 450 out of...
  17. FJAG

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

  18. FJAG

    System Upgrade: Please Report Problems

    For me its been going on for several weeks now. There would be periods during the day that everything ran well and then other periods on the same day where things crawl along. I haven't found any real pattern other than it is a daily issue. At the moment I'm in a slow phase.
  19. FJAG

    Canada's tanks

    Mike Jeffery was the Chief Land Staff at the time and developed the original Advancing with Purpose. It set the direction for what the army is now. In short, Mike was a very smart man who understood the problems he was facing and developed a plan to deal with that. The main problems he had were...
  20. FJAG


    I didn't think anyone could be more stupid than Trump. I was wrong. :cool: