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  1. FJAG

    Canada's tanks

    The Germans routinely sent GATES's equipment back to Germany for rebuilds so it was generally in good condition - better than ours. The radio gear was quite different and would need replacing wholesale and we would have needed a whole new in-service support management system. 2000 was not a good...
  2. FJAG

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    I see 1 Div being removed from CJOC and leaving 1 Div as the FG HQ generating for Europe and 2 Div as the FG HQ for everything else. Both Div HQs should be capable of FGing a div HQ (or slice of a div HQ) if required. Somewhere amongst the boat that is CJOC there ought to be an element that can...
  3. FJAG

    Army Reserve Restructuring

    Me too. Both log and maint. I agree with the principle of having an organization that is not part of the deployable service battalion. That can be done in two ways, either a completely independent structure of the Disagree. Each 1st Battalion of the RCR, R22eR and PPClI should drop the term...
  4. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    And that's why Canada has a problem. The complete inability to think outside the box. 19 SOF deployed dozens of teams on op rotations to Afghanistan and Iraq and elsewhere during the GWoT. One of the stupidest things Canada does is have this ridiculous idea that reservists need to volunteer for...
  5. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    It's still active but not like when it was the home of both the armoured's and infantry's schools before they were consolidated in Gagetown with the artillery's. Borden has a small training area but Meaford is only a short drive to the northwest. During my younger days we routinely went live...
  6. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Interestingly the family model of before the end of WW2 had children stay with their family longer. Well into their twenties and early thirties before marrying and moving out. The post war years saw a change towards earlier independence - it's not hard to see why. Economic and social conditions...
  7. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    You've read my book. And if you haven't, you should. ;)
  8. FJAG

    British Military Current Events

    There was always something special about a kitchen in the field - the vat of coffee always on the go with its table with bread, peanut butter, jam and Cheese Whiz; eggs and bacon to order in the morning. Things varied. For technical shoots you didn't move much so we took out the kitchens...
  9. FJAG

    British Military Current Events

    I remember having a breakfast in Wainwright from a field kitchen belonging to 14 RA. I have never seen so much grease being used to pretty much fry everything on my plate from the eggs and bangers to the fried bread and tomatoes - oh! the beans weren't fried but would have been improved if they...
  10. FJAG

    British Military Current Events

    I guess cook isn't a core competency in the Brit army. I had four in my M109 battery back in the early 80s. Today's ORBAT for an M777 one with the same number of gunners now calls for three. I wonder how many they really have now. 🍻
  11. FJAG

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

  12. FJAG

    GBAD - The return of 'FOBS'

    Interesting. I'm a fan of the MOOG turrets and this adaption shows even more of its adaptability. The Supacat looks like a bit too much truck but they already have other variants of these as the Jackals. Does make me wonder why they aren't adapting the turret to the Boxer to accompany the ABCTs...
  13. FJAG

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    The DOGE firings are hitting veterans. 🍻
  14. FJAG

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    The key there is "local" and the fact that the "exclusive jurisdiction" does not apply when the work is 🍻
  15. FJAG

    CAN-USA 2025 Tariff Strife (split from various pol threads)

    The Charter (including the notwithstanding clause) do not apply here but the constitution does. s 91 provides s 92 provides My reading is that if a pipeline is inside a province and doesn't extend outside of it then the province controls but if the pipeline connects several provinces or...
  16. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    You do know that there is a means test and an OAS pension recovery tax if you exceed the recovery threshold amount. Many decades ago I took on some pro bono cases for former employees of Eaton's who had put in a full lifetime of working for them and seeing the pittance of a pension that they...
  17. FJAG

    Our North - SSE Policy Update Megathread

    Closer to home In the US In Canada 🍻
  18. FJAG

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Which is a different problem. 2% could be allocated and set aside in a reserved fund designated for a certain line of equipment for when acquisitions actually take place. Yeah. Yeah. I know it's not that simple but it should and could be. Many projects are well developed and awaiting funding...
  19. FJAG

    Canada's tanks

    I've been mulling that over. It should come as no surprise to anyone that I think we need a lot more tanks than we have and that, because we use very few of them operationally at any given time, that they should be manned in large measure by reservists. And yes, I know that reduces the...
  20. FJAG

    Canada's tanks

    I do believe that the Grizzley was in fact an M4A1 Sherman. While the RAM was not an M4, it was based on the M3 Lee chassis removing the sponson gun and given a better turret. The M3 chassis evolved into the M4 chassis. By the time that Canadian troops went into combat the Ram's 6 pdr was...