I'm not clairvoyant and don't believe in idle speculation. Sorry.
I can tell you that as a long time fan of the US who has, in the past, spent a considerable amount of time down there and a considerable amount of my money there, my attitude has taken a complete 180. I can no longer abide a...
My problem with this paper, and by inference with Canadian defence efforts, is that it talks about what we must do rather than what we are doing. It's just another paper. Canada's problem is that DND's motto can best be described as "verba non acta."
Let's get real. Even if we spent the same...
So is listing five of them.
I'll throw in my $0.02 now. Except for the article by Kennedy on the New France militia and regular force's integration - which I found interesting and informative - the rest of these articles, and the Chief Res 2023 Symposium - strike me as an academics' surface...
Because every disaster movie about a meteor or asteroid striking Earth has an initial period in it where the government is either covering it up or lying about it - see especially movies produced by The Asylum.
For anyone interested, the Canadian Military Journal has put out an issue on the Reserve Force.
I've read the articles and have formed my opinion. I'll be interested in hearing from other folks.
See @KevinB above. Also GDLS already own the AJAX line of ASCODs which are also the genesis of the M10 Booker line.
If you go to that, however, speed remains an issue and you might as well look at other tracked 155/52 systems.
No reason why not, but an armoured chassis with a lot of automotive...
I presume you mean for an AGM turret. I really don't know but the carriage appears at least as robust as the 8-wheel Boxer. I've seen nothing but glossy brochure stuff on both these vehicles so can't say for certain. I will say that the Brit's have taken AGM on Boxer into service and that leads...
I'm not sure that Caesar can deliver "One battery of six howitzers must engage a target with a minimum of 96 rounds and come out
of action in less than a total of three minutes." That equals 16 rounds per gun. Caesar is rated at 6 rounds per minute (i.e. one round every ten seconds) which falls...
With IMF, it might be better for a K9 facility - the Aussies have built one for some 45 and a bunch of K10 Limbers. Our order for around 100 should make that viable and we would be positioned well for European sales. I would think that a steel K9 has simpler fabrication issues than a titanium...
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