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  1. stretch

    So You Want to be an officer, eh!

    I intend to completely embrace and appreciate what ever is asked of me. I have always been that way and I wouldn't be as successful if I didn't. PPCLI Guy, you're right, I shall now pry the foot from my mouth. Just to be clear I do not intend to ask to get OUT of anything, I'm just scouring...
  2. stretch

    Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

    Does anyone have the explanation of the ETP message? i.e. what para's 1a-6a mean? I can pick out most information but when it states: F. 13 Dec 11  then I am not sure what to make of that date Any outline or explanation of an ETP would be very helpful Thanks
  3. stretch

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm going to saint jean as well and although I haven't been in RMC before, I have been in the army for five years and I would suggest that you come prepared. Don't show up expecting anything other than exactly what you have been told.  :2c:
  4. stretch

    So You Want to be an officer, eh!

    Does anyone have a clue if NCM PLQ qualified CT's to RMC need to do the FYOP? As it mainly consists of BMQ/BMOQ material it seems completely unnecessary outside of the RMC history and tradition info. Any thoughts? *BMOQ and FYOP searches took me to this thread and I don't think this question...
  5. stretch


    Are you asking for someone to tell you what you will like better?  What's "fulfilling" to someone else may not be to you. Is there a question regarding CMR, RMC, or ROTP?
  6. stretch

    Would I still be eligible for ROTP in my current situation?

    cant say you do or don't stand a decent chance as many have said 1000 times before it doesn't all just stand on marks. Push yourself further and harder, gain work experience and extra curricular activities. Joining the reserves is a good start to knowing if you even like the military...
  7. stretch

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    2.5 years!?  :o well that answers the question I came here to ask ha ha I'll just forget it ever happened and then maybe ill get a surprise come Christmas one year.
  8. stretch

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    Fantastic. Thanks for the congrats and the info
  9. stretch

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm going to go out on a limb and sat they are basically identical. BMQ is BMQ no matter who it is teaching or learning we all need to learn the same info at that stage (QR&O's, CSD, Rank Structure... etc) we all need to be broken in to start. What comes after is specifics. Just my  :2c:
  10. stretch

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    That is almost bang on to what I'm looking for, thank you I got a call and a brief email from D mil C7 saying that I was selected and she would be sending an offer in the mail within 2 weeks and to not email or call her until I received it. I have no idea what to expect in the letter but more...
  11. stretch

    ROTP Pay Questions

    Wow that's Phenomenal info ekpiper thank you I did forget to mention that I am an ROTP who is CT'ing to Pilot does that change anything? I see here 204.52(8 ) "the last military occupation in which the officer served as a non-commissioned member to a higher trade group, the greater of the rate...
  12. stretch

    ROTP Pay Questions

    Hello I have been looking around and found a few topics concerning this but i figured that I better get a good idea of everyones opinions/experiences as they sit today since the threads were back in 2008. On the forces website it states that the regular Ocdt pay for ROTP is $1487/month about...
  13. stretch

    Am I Eligilble?

    you must be at least 16, you don't have to only be 16. If/ when you apply this fall it will be included in 2013 April selection.
  14. stretch

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    what I meant is that we will continue to hear people talk about the next steps after acceptance, even though there are people still waiting. It doesn't mean that it is over for those people and they shouldn't think of it that way. this is very true and any self respecting officer that I have...
  15. stretch

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    selections aren't done!, I know following these posts it is difficult to not feel like you're are not being left behind when you hear about everyone else's acceptances, but time will not slow down for anyone and this selection has, in retrospect, just started so remain optimistic and aggressive...
  16. stretch

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    Great insights, it would seem that I have reached that point in the CF where you dont exactly know what your going to be doing until you've already done it; that is the best I could hope for. thank you for the input
  17. stretch

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    thank you, very helpful! that covers my main thoughts and I've chosen a course of action. If anyone else is willing to elaborate on their experiences, it would be great to know what CT civ U students can expect with regards to employment over the summer. I have been thinking about asking to...
  18. stretch

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    thats perfect, I really appreciate the link. Kind of seems stupid that I didn't think of looking for that before. there is one thing that I forgot to add, I will be attending a civilian University does that have any bearing on the information in those JI's? that specific set seem directed...
  19. stretch

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    I have been searching everywhere to find specific information on CT ROTP acceptances (as I am one now) and I can only find civilian timelines such as swear in dates and BMOQ (which I should be exempt from as I have my PLQ). I understand that contacting a recruiting centre would be a good idea...
  20. stretch

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    You would be correct, and thank you  ;D