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  1. dano

    Cap Brass

    Our Corp uses the term Cap brass. That includes the officers. I‘ve never ever herd anyone call it anything else. When my father was in the Lorne Scots (70s) they called it Cap brass‘s. And The Lorne Scots today, call them Cap brass‘s.
  2. dano

    Night Footage Shows Fallujah Battle - Video

    Speaking of footage. This is not Live action battle footage, but I might as well post it in this thread and not make a new one... Combat Camera has updated their video and picture journals. The videos include Canadian Soldiers in Haiti. http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/find_e.asp
  3. dano


    Oh my.. I have to say it. Flame me all you want(Only time allowed). But.. But.. My curiosity got the best of me.. And during my rather entertaining look around.. Someone has signed his guestbook saying they know him from Army.ca.. (We‘re all doomed) Flaming begins now... By the way...
  4. dano


    McBear, you just sumed up.. not even sumed up.. More like you-read-my-mind on what I was going to say. Ultimately, it is also a major concern for me as well of other peoples views about Army Cadets.
  5. dano

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    For us, promotions don‘t actually occur each month. On average I‘d say... 2 or 3 times a year.
  6. dano

    For all you wondering what you do on BMQ.

    Awsome. I look forward even more now to BMQ.
  7. dano

    Best Memory With Your Corps/Sqn

    I have one very memerial moment(s) I had with the Corps. We we‘re on a FTX. The weekend we had this FTX on was the same weekend a thousand reservists we‘re doing maneuvers. Now I am not clear if it was the RSM or an Officer that told us that the reserves "vowed" to ambush our BIV site. So...
  8. dano

    26 and OLD!!

    I met some PTE that had finished BMQ not a year ago. They‘re we‘re both in late 30‘s and mid 40s.
  9. dano

    Tag Stories

    I thought Cadets are not allowed to Tag outside Beer stores?
  10. dano

    Tag Stories

    sgt_mandal, You have misinterpreted my message. Judging by the tone of the message you have come to the conclusion I was using Bigotry in my message. I was not. I can understand the possibility on how it could offend someone. I made the description of the individual the way I did, so readers...
  11. dano

    Tag Stories

    Its so true. I remember I was tagging at Zellers and a so called "Para-Military" Gongho Army expert came up to me and starts talking about his time in the Army Cadets. He asks "Do the NCOs still make you shave you‘re hair on the parade square?" While standing infront of me smoking a...
  12. dano

    60th Anniversary of D-Day

    They haven‘t told us yet. But I know something is going happen. I just feel that vibe from the officers.
  13. dano

    Infantry Build

    PRETC. Winter maneuvers/survival Just because we are Army Cadets does not make us not have opportunitys to train with the Regular Army.
  14. dano

    Darn...File lost.

    I‘d have to agree. Assuming you mean Recruiting apps. Better start filling out new ones in the meanwhile. Just incase you know..
  15. dano

    Tag Stories

    I remember when we did tagging in Sept... To think of it.. all the Tagging events.. Except the my first one of course (That was completely fun, almost broke the record for time tagging, it was fun because it was the first one I did..not the record breaking) Okay anyway, on to my story/comment...
  16. dano

    Ft. Lewis, Washington State (Pics) Op. Mountain Grizzly

    Awsome pictures. Puts a tear in my eye..
  17. dano

    Infantry Build

    When I went on course with the regs, they are pretty much what you specified by average. 145-190 pounds for ages 17-20.
  18. dano


    You‘re right. You should have. I know. And that is why you must clarify. Or else people like me will become critical. The only language you offended me with was the "Blank Blank" Even though you may not have ment it, it is still hurt and hateful. I was on you‘re case this time, and I will be if...
  19. dano


    One time we had some real smart *** rev his car really loud eventually speeding away, honking the horn while in front of the armourys with all of us standing out there. Those individuals in the vehicle yelling "Hail Hitler, Hail Hitler." while the persons arm is out the window doing the salute.
  20. dano

    Blood for oil

    I‘m for the Hydrogen engine, for sure. But it going to to be a while. And also, there‘s a city near Windsor, which is Canadas first city to use Hydrogen to run its economy.