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  1. I

    What would change if (when) we had a King

    If the Monarchy is replaced by a Republic, the rank crowns will probably be replaced altogether.
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    Australian Military Ranks

    Not very fair!
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    Australian Military Ranks

    Thanks Wes Weird how the Staff Sergeant doesn't equate to a Flight Sergeant even though both have identical rank insignia. So a Flight Sergeant is classified as a warrant Officer???
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    ANZAC Day: 25 April 2005 - 90th Anniversary of the Landing at Gallipoli

    Bugles sang, surrounding the evening air, and bugles answered, sorrowful to hear. Vouces of boys were by the river-side. Sleep mothered them; and left the twilight sad. The shadow of the morrow weighed on men. Voices of old despondency resigned, Bowed by the shadow of the morrow, slept. The...
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    Australian Military Ranks

    Thanks So CPOs and Flight Sergeants are WOs down under. I always thought a Staff Sergeant equated to a Flight Sergeant and Chief Petty Officer, but obviously not in Australia!
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    Australian Military Ranks

    Can someone clarify the rank structure in the Australian Armed Forces. Apparently a WO2 is equivalent to a CPO in the RAN and a Flight Sergeant in the RAAF, and all three are senior to a Staff Sergeant. Does that mean that CPOs and FSgts are warrant officers down under?
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    Ranking females in the Canadian Army...

    Gunner I understand what you are saying. The point I was trying to make about MWOs (in my previous posting) was that if they were all addressed as 'Sir' (like WOs in the British Armed Forces), junior ranks wouldn't have a problem in knowing how to address them.
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    Warrant Officers in the US and Canadian Armies - confusion re: status?

    The Canadian PO1 is equivalent to a CPO in the Royal Navy. CPO2 is equivalent to a WO2 in the Royal Navy (rank introduced 2004), and the CPO1 is equivalent to a WO1 (Warrant Officer Class One) in the RN. The senior WO on a RN ship is the Executive Warrant Officer. RN WOs are addressed as 'Mr'...
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    Ranking females in the Canadian Army...

    No, what I meant was: an Officer could address a Warrant Officer by his appointment or as 'Mr'
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    Ranking females in the Canadian Army...

    Seems to be a great deal of confusion on how to address senior non-commissioned ranks in the Canadian Armed Forces. Why not go back to the British Army system of addressing WOs - 'Sir' if you are junior in rank, Appointment ('RSM' etc) or 'Mr' if you are an Officer.
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    Warrant Officers in the US and Canadian Armies - confusion re: status?

    The WO2 and WO1 ranks still exist in the British Army (equivalent to MWO and CWO), - addressed as 'Sir' by subordinates but not saluted. Both ranks receive a 'Warrant'. There was also briefly a WO3 rank in the late 1930s and early 1940s - the 'Platoon Sergeant Major' who was a platoon...
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    Warrant Officers in the US and Canadian Armies - confusion re: status?

    This makes sense. Mind you, a Canadian RSM with a sense of humor might want to use his CWO rank when dealing with the Americans!!  ;)
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    Warrant Officers in the US and Canadian Armies - confusion re: status?

    I'm surprised to hear a WO5 is equivalent to a LtCol. I thought all US WOs were junior to a second lieutenant.  And if the US WO1 (the most junior grade)  is only appointed by Warrant, why do enlisted personnel have to salute him or her?  I thought the commission was saluted, not the person.
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    Warrant Officers in the US and Canadian Armies - confusion re: status?

    Does the use of the Warrant Officer title in the US and Canadian Armies cause confusion when personnel from both armies are working together?
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    Physician Assistant

    Can anyone give me some information on the Physician Assistant role in the Canadian Armed Forces. What kind of training is involved, promotion, rank etc.
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    So what is your opinion on saluting foreign officers?

    The obvious solution in the British Army would be to use the small crown for Major and crown in wreath for all WO2s (it's already used for the RQMS appointment). 
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    So what is your opinion on saluting foreign officers?

    Must be confusing! I Wonder how many CWOs in the Canadian Armed Forces have been saluted by US Servicemen by mistake? Incidentally in the British Armed Forces, Queens Regulations require junior ranks to address all WOs as 'Sir' but they are not saluted. Officers would address a WO by his...
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    In the British Army, the crown on the lower forearm signifies a WO2 (Warrant Officer Class 2) appointed for example as a Company Sergeant Major. Confusingly, the crown in a wreath is also a WO2, for example a Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant (RQMS)
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    So what is your opinion on saluting foreign officers?

    Would you salute a US Warrant Officer? The junior warrant rank (WO1) in the US Army is an officer but is appointed by Warrant rather than Commission