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  1. Pointer

    25mm TOC 0901 pictures

    Awesome pictures - the quality is fantastic.  I don't know what camera you have, but I want it.
  2. Pointer

    Unit Organization in Afhganistan

    I feel the need to correct the C6/60mm part.  Methinks the GPMG is still very very very much an important part of the platoon.  I won't delve into the particulars of theatre feedback for OPSEC reasons, but the term "more is better" comes to mind.  As for the 60mm, I think it still provides a...
  3. Pointer

    To all fellow Patricias (past and present) Happy Regimental Day!

    I just got the gun tape adhesive off me from the last time....
  4. Pointer

    New Rucksack

    My waist buckle broke the first time I used it. The waist belt, which is supposed to be a crucial component of the system, is largely useless when wearing frag vest and plates. The molded back is great.... if you're not wearing a frag vest and plates. The two drainage grommets on the...
  5. Pointer

    BDS Tactical

    http://www.bdstacticalgear.com/ Anyone ever used anything from these guys - particularly anything substantial (AKA rig, etc.)?
  6. Pointer

    Recommendations for a chest rig?

    I'll let the BG CO know that the TFA Comd is just BSing him, though I hope the BSing stops before the $160 000 + dollars the BG is spending on issued vest augmentation goes through. I hope you're right, but $160 000 is a strong incentive behind a policy. 
  7. Pointer

    Recommendations for a chest rig?

    I would recommend against buying anything at the moment - as it stands, the non-issued vest/rig policy for 3-09 is looking more and more like it's going to be "issued vest only". If that's the case, the best you can hope for is one of the left-over Arktis trial vests which repeat the same...
  8. Pointer

    Officer positions

    I agree - I meant with performance.  If a commander's performance is sub-par, it's the next highest commander that should sort him out.  I wouldn't run around jacking up my section commanders for shitty boots.  I might make a crack, but if there's face-screaming to be done, my 2ICs far better at...
  9. Pointer

    Officer positions

    I find the NCOs generally like to "shoot their own dogs".  I have no issue with it, as long as it's done properly and isn't just a shit-on-the-downtrodden kind of thing.  That being said, if the problem NCO is, for example, in a section command role, that's definitely the officer's...
  10. Pointer

    Officer positions

    I had occasion to have to deal with that twice in the last few months.  I'm not sure I'd call them "defective", just in need of improvement.  In the one case, the mbr recognized his problems, some of which stemmed from operational experiences and others simply as a function of his not being...
  11. Pointer

    Big guys in the infantry

    And from an operational standpoint, being able to carry weight for a prolonged period is far more useful than having a 3-minute kilometre. I have to disagree on the squats though.  Squats are great for lower body/core building... useful for weightbearing activities, including taking a knee 100...
  12. Pointer

    Officer positions

    While the bureaucrat bit is spot on, I haven't found the "don't rock the boat" thing much.  Maybe it's different between elements, or even units, but if you have a sound idea it's generally well received.  The problem, often times, is that your actual ability to bring about substantial change is...
  13. Pointer

    Big guys in the infantry

    We got some feedback recently from an OC on 1-08.  Generally speaking, the big guys had less trouble on dismounted ops (not surprisingly).  The "gazelles" - AKA 20-minute-5KM-guys had it far rougher as the combat load's quite heavy and humping over grape fields/walls/etc. demands quite a bit...
  14. Pointer

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    I can't say it's the same for all reg force infantry units, but we're hoisting people up the ladder pretty quickly these days if they're eager and switched on.  The dearth of NCOs, particularly Sgts, means accelerated promotions for quite a few, often to fill MCpl positions that are empty...
  15. Pointer

    Are there any good documentaries on our army?

    "At War" has a fair amount of Canadian content, but it spends as much time, if not moreso, with US units - namely a unit from the Oregon Natl Guard.  Regardless, it's pretty good - though the sappy, repetitive quotes it throws at you are absolutely terrible.  I'm pretty sure they're Kesterson's...
  16. Pointer

    Kesterson At War

    I didn't really find him necessarily anti-war, but he does seem to have issues with aspects of the war.  I watched "At War" and he doesn't really come across as against the war so much as wanting more sobriety from politicians when making decisions that might affect their respective militaries.