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  1. C

    Some people get it; some people don't

    Has this every happened to you (as a CF member or applicant)? i've run into the third person in my everyday life who, after learning i'm applying for the military, ask, "Why would you want to do that?"  I can sense the underlying disapproval.  I know exactly why I'm applying and I don't feel I...
  2. C

    Infantry Reserve, accepted!!

    And be called a war mongerer...and be accused of killing innocent civilians...and be told that you have no business of being somewhere...and be told you're just a pawn...on top of all that you sacrifice!  (Makes me appreciate uniformed men and women even more).  :salute: I like your post...
  3. C

    "In demand" and "Accepting Applications"

    How often do they update that website?
  4. C

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    Great stuff.  Very interesting.
  5. C

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    What is a "high readiness" nursing officer? OPME - are these the various trauma courses (beyond those in BNOC) lieutenant NOs take? Can you extend your CPT to more than the usual year to get in as many hours as possible?
  6. C

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Mazz28, you were really persistent in showing up to the RC twice per week.  I wouldn't have the galls to do that, but good for you it worked out! 
  7. C

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    :o  How d'ya do dat? Congratulations, btw.
  8. C


    Alrighty then.  Good to know.  Thanks Hatchetman.
  9. C


    Do they also send you a recruitment offer letter as well if you do get in? 
  10. C

    Canadians are ignorant about defence/military

    I live in a big city, but you'd never know that Canada has an armed forces.  Occasionally, I see someone driving an army truck, presumeably to get some gas.  But that's about it.  For an urban dweller who does not live in Edmonton or Petewawa, seeing a fully uniformed service person, let alone...
  11. C

    20 years

    Thanks Jackson10.  That unit you're serving with is darn lucky to have you there!
  12. C

    20 years

    Someone's chopping onions nearby.  I don't know you, I'm not even in myself, but your story makes me feel so proud of you.
  13. C

    Medical Assistant - Reserve

    And a physician assistant is different from a medical assistant...?
  14. C

    Video Canadians Under Fire

    Huge respect for these guys.  Wow.
  15. C

    Why won't the recruitment centres answer the phone?

    I was wondering why April is such a busy month for them.  Is it simply because they're doing a lot of selections now and need to call people/people are calling to find out, or is there more to it than that?
  16. C

    Why won't the recruitment centres answer the phone?

    lol.  I tried that once thinking maybe they thought I was :spam: on their call display.  But then they didn't answer me from a pay phone.  Then I knew it wasn't personal...and got through when I realized I had to press "1" and then "1" again.  I couldn't make sense of the different options.
  17. C

    Job offered, and would like to hear some opinions

    I'm in no position to tell you what to do.  However, I'm trying to imagine myself in your shoes.  I'd take the job, then let her decide what to do.  In other words, put the ball in her hands.  You'll also see how committed she is to you, another important factor.
  18. C

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    I'm super excited to learn about trauma and emergency nursing.  I can't wait to soak up all the classroom and practical experiences  - I hope I can get the best clinical experiences where I can put it all into practice.  How can I go to Sunnybrook?  For my clinical phase training, is it better...
  19. C

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    I've got two questions: After  consolidation, how many months per year do you go back to acute care setting to maintain those skills? Is there a Trauma Care Course and Burn Course somewhere along the way during the nursing training/career?  Or should it be something I do on my own time?
  20. C

    Reserve Nursing Officer- Combat Arms??

    Short of nurses?! ???  There's only 15 spots for the whole country!  I'm fighting tooth and nail to get in.  I really want to be there.  Please give up your spot for someone who worries everyday whether they get in or not.