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  1. Teeps74

    Toronto Imam's Ideas for Preventing Rape.

    Good grief. Yes, let us all take one giant leap backwards and blame the woman. Rape is wrong. Blaming the victim is wrong. That is the only rebuttal required. Ultra-conservative wing nuts can go pound salt.
  2. Teeps74

    PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

    I agree. A Sgt filling a WO or Capt position, and displaying little difficulty in doing so, would indeed be an MOI Sgt. Not hard to justify that at all.
  3. Teeps74

    Oath of Allegiance Ceremony

    Heh, I love the whole NCO/NCM thing. I am no longer an NCO, but I remain an NCM...
  4. Teeps74

    Messed up rapper.

    Frankly, anyone with their hand out, expecting me, the taxpayer, to put something in it should be happy with the idea that I am going to put some controls on it. The government bloody well should have strings attached to every penny it doles out, even to artists. To be fair, it could be really a...
  5. Teeps74

    Former Soldier's Dreams Crushed by Shooting Accusations - Article

    I suppose some units do things differently. Am, was and always a reservist. My boxes came from base clothing. They were tracking my original boxes issued to me in 1993. It is possible they were unit held, and 638s torn an return. Still, "we have a box with your name on it..." is pretty flimsy...
  6. Teeps74

    Story states a new book claims Canadian efforts fell short in Kandahar

    Fair enough... But from a COIN perspective, do we really want more in an area? Remember, the appearance of being an occupying force can have very strong negative consequences. We did make many mistakes in Afghanistan (different subject, I could go on and on and on....). At the tactical level...
  7. Teeps74

    Story states a new book claims Canadian efforts fell short in Kandahar

    In reading the above post, I could not help but to think of that mini-sized, mega-ego imbecile Michael Yawn. One sided, full of holes and drafted by a team of morons. You guessed it... I will not be wasting my money on that "Only the Americans can do it right" crap.
  8. Teeps74

    Former Soldier's Dreams Crushed by Shooting Accusations - Article

    Hmmm, 2010. This is 2012, and still ongoing. Last time I dealt with our brethren in clothing stores concerning barrack boxes, it was as if I signed out their own personal stores. Barrack boxes are in the system, were then, ergo the MP would have easily have been able to discern if the...
  9. Teeps74

    Effects of long term Meth use reflected on faces in mugshots

    Oh dear god... It's like a train wreck... You know you shouldn't look, but then you slow down and look... :boke:
  10. Teeps74

    United States Army tightens rules on hair, tattoos, makeup

    You are indeed correct Sir. This is on American military in the US Military thread.  Tho, occasionally American policies do indeed bleed north. Some of the stuff in the article I do believe is necessary. Others, not so sure about. But alas, I am not the decision maker for things American...
  11. Teeps74

    United States Army tightens rules on hair, tattoos, makeup

    "Shorter sideburns"? I do not recall sideburns ever being a problem for them... All I can think of is this now... http://youtu.be/Lzpk5dMhVE4 We must pick and choose out battles, hopefully we do not follow suit to that extreme and swirl that toilet bowl (though we could use some clarification...
  12. Teeps74

    The Shaving Superthread- All You Want and More....

    OZ this was a brilliant piece of amusement to an otherwise boring day at the office. Thank you for exposing me to this wonderful site, the duffel blog! I will wile away hours in mirthful bliss on that site in the future.
  13. Teeps74

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    I think it would be entertaining to go to job interviews, demanding (based on expereince) the job of the guy doing the interviews and likely at a significant pay raise... Be a really good way to pass the time, and who knows, maybe someone would actually hire you at close to the demands...
  14. Teeps74

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    Why? If you are forced out due to age, why would you have to start another job to draw benefits? If you quit because you are tired, sure... Quitting is a dis-qualifier for EI, but end of contract employer laying you off (due to age) is one of those things we should be able to draw EI for. Now...
  15. Teeps74

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    Most double dippers I know are (were) drawing EI during the nuisance break. EI is a different pool, and as far as I know, there is zero conflict in drawing EI and pension. Now, someone with a bigger sexier and more tax/benefit oriented brain might be able to correct me on that...
  16. Teeps74

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    Actually, in the future, you may be drawing EI... Remember that our CRA is still 55 with extensions to 60. If you still have bills and what not at 60, what do you do to fill the income gap? EI... Why not, pay into it, you are entitled to it. Draw it.
  17. Teeps74

    CANFORGEN on Pay and PIL

    Oh, why not? I pay an annual health care premium which I am NOT ALLOWED to use unless it is an emergency. Further, if I read the Blue Cross thing correct, anytime I do use provincial health care the CF covers the costs. It is a fact that I pay $600 Ontario Health Care premium on my annual income...
  18. Teeps74

    Canadians are ignorant about defence/military

    This comes back to a previous argument of mine.  We have to do more to make our presence felt in the communities in which we live, and even communities where we do not live.  Something as simple as stopping for groceries on the way home from work in uniform, is a very simple reminder that, "we...
  19. Teeps74

    Jihadist Work Place Accident

    Umm, if I am reading this correctly, then this was Iraqi army (read, the good guys) who got blown up trying to CLEAR an IED, not some terrorist trash placing an IED...
  20. Teeps74

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    This reads like an HDZ revisionist history lesson.  Are you serriously trying to re-write what happened at the Medak Pocket on a CANADIAN ARMY page?  Seriously?  You really need to rethink the audience you are trying to appeal to, because I sincerely doubt you will find anyone you can convert here.