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  1. tank recce

    A Columbine Father Speaks Out

    IHS - Your bit about "fully automatic assault rifles" is gratuitous, and quite frankly off-topic (I won't get into the redundancy of the phrase). None of the killers listed above used FA, none of the defenders used FA. Holly-wierd propaganda notwithstanding, FA isn't a great deal easier to...
  2. tank recce

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    I don't doubt the Bns as whole units maintain a good selection of skills; my concern (purely from reading anecdotes on this very thread; my last experience with Reg Inf was my ISCC back in '88) is that of the individual, and even the small group. There was a memorable anecdote here recently...
  3. tank recce

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    Is it the mindset, or the time & ca$h available for the training? Could other reservists function as LAV crews? Hell, yeah! While maintaining their core skill sets? Hell, no! If 2RCR can't maintain LAV and bayonet skills in the same soldier, what chance do the 48th have?? I agree with Hauptma...
  4. tank recce

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    Here’s a wild concept. Rather than re-role us to R031B, why not cross-train us in the use of the LAV, in order to ALSO use us as “Dragoons” (to borrow a designation coined above)? (The following caveats apply – I’m not too up on how a Reg LAV infantry Bn organizes itself, or how often it...
  5. tank recce

    tankers personal weapons and 9 mm vs 5.7 mm

    What's that?! An LMG and 203 per recce ptl?? Don't you know that recce isn't supposed to fire its weapons - that's why they don't get any!  ::) /bitterness, back to your regularly scheduled (quite fascinating, actually) thread. Actually, I do find that a fascinating weapons load-out...
  6. tank recce

    War taking unexpectedly harsh toll on vehicles

    We were discussing this over beer at the Legion Tuesday night, including those of us who've put our names in for the Stream 3 festivities this fall. For all the C&C, weapons, and protection issues that the G-Wagon has, and the "too big to go through here" and "too small gun for this task" issues...
  7. tank recce

    Motorcycles in Pet?

    Recon Guardsman - Dealerships tend to sell new bikes, $$$. Their supply of used may be limited, especially in a small market like Pet. You may want to check out the AutoTrader here in the GTA before you go up, and ride your new (used) bike to your tasking. It really is a lovely ride, up through...
  8. tank recce

    (Texas) Governor Signs Bill Expanding Deadly Force Rights

    Googling the CCC, I find: Defence of Person Self-defence against unprovoked assault 34. (1) Every one who is unlawfully assaulted without having provoked the assault is justified in repelling force by force if the force he uses is not intended to cause death or grievous bodily harm and is no...
  9. tank recce

    Reserves on Reg Force courses.

    You presume that all civvie employers OFFER dental plans. I'm a licensed professional engineer, and my employer is sufficiently small that they've only last year offered an extended health plan. Dental & vision may be in the works, but probably not by the time I hand in my papers to go play in...
  10. tank recce

    Reserves on Reg Force courses.

    From what I've been told / given to read about TF 3-08, Cl C will be granted for those Dag'd YELLOW, so the individual doesn't pay out of pocket for whatever med / dental repairs are needed to DAG GREEN.
  11. tank recce

    Canada eyeing reservists to bolster force in Afghanistan

    And then there are those of us who are looking at 4 months of training BEFORE that. She Who Must Be Obeyed has (to quote an earlier post) DAG'd me Green. I'm not sure it's completely sunk in just how long an absence we're talking about...
  12. tank recce

    made a bad choice want to go home

    PM sent.
  13. tank recce

    Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

    Did I read that right? These guys are getting refresher training - not because they abused anybody - but because Higher's afraid they'll be too GENTLE?! :rofl:
  14. tank recce

    Engineer Songs

    When my little girl first started teething ( 6 weeks!!  :P), the only song I could think of at o-dark-stupid to walk-and-rock with her was "Godiva's Hymn." At 14 months, it's still one of her favourites, and needed for the occasional bad night. I can only imagine the effect it'll have if she...
  15. tank recce

    Harvard II/T-6A Texan

    The Texan is in fact a variant of the Harvard. The obvious visible difference is the straight edge of the lower rear canopy, vs the curved edge of most of the Harvard models. I believe there were some powerplant differences as well. If you like, I could put you in touch with my father, who has...
  16. tank recce

    Extreme heat in army tanks endangers troops; forces use tank blanket to keep troops from baking

    I don't smoke, but I went for a walk in the snow...  :) This seems to be the perfect point in the conversation to insert a bit of RumInt from Friday - unconfirmed, unattributed pure RumInt. YMMV The notion was that when the Strats deployed with the Leos they were CRYING for augmentees...
  17. tank recce

    Extreme heat in army tanks endangers troops; forces use tank blanket to keep troops from baking

    OK, I know I'm coming in two or three pages since it was mentioned - some of us work for a living!  (Kidding) The very idea of tanks for the Reserves - fascinating! Picture if you will the first Militia TRACK exercise in 40 years. As part of the opening ceremonies, a G-Wagon C&R will be...
  18. tank recce

    A sense of pride

    Tanner: I've been practicing my trade for over 20 years. I have never deployed - one reason or another, it just never happened. That said, I have trained - whether formally on course, or informally at the unit - almost every person my regiment has sent overseas in the past 15 years. Have I...
  19. tank recce

    Extreme heat in army tanks endangers troops; forces use tank blanket to keep troops from baking

    Interesting! Small, self-contained... When I was paper-napkin-ing out something for the Cougar during a summer ex in Mudford, I was always concerned about the system volume, especially for the turret crew. (The driver has enough room for an ice cooler that would last him an entire 2-week Milcon...
  20. tank recce

    Extreme heat in army tanks endangers troops; forces use tank blanket to keep troops from baking

    (Sound of Mech.Eng. scratching head) Speaking as a GP motorcycle racer who uses nothing but distilled water in his engine (and a cap of Water Wetter  ;)), since we're not talking engine-level heat transfer rates, I daresay potable water would work just spiffy as the transfer fluid. First pass...