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  1. Signalman150

    Top UK Gen says get out of Iraq - fast

    Mark and Infidel... ...it's not something we're completely unfamiliar with here.  The main reason for the NWT being partitioned, and the creation of the new territory of Nunavut relates to a degree to ethnic differences. The problem remains that if you were to partition Iraq into 2 - 3...
  2. Signalman150

    The Shaving Superthread- All You Want and More....

    Okay, I admit: I didn't wade through every single post on this thread...but I'll throw in my two cents at the risk of going over something that's already been covered. When I joined (infantry) in 1975, I got nasty razor burn, regardless of whether it was electric or a safety razor.  I got a...
  3. Signalman150

    Yankee a racial slurr?

    Having spent many years hanging around US servicemen of one ilk or another, and lots of US civ types, I'd say that this Sgt is full of the proverbial... Back in 1971-75 as an air cadet I made many friends with members of the WA Wing of the Civil Air Patrol...the terms Canuck and Yank were...
  4. Signalman150

    Tom Clancy

    Shamrock... In regards to yr comment/question about Clancy using ghost writers, see my post  (number 64) on this thread.  I've heard this from several sources and seen it on the net as well.
  5. Signalman150

    Response to the Ruxted rebuttal of Jack Layton in the Toronto Star

    Holy Crap Flawed... I had the ol' reliable M60 out, was already donning my Sylvester Stallone Muscle vest, and tying on my fashionable Rambo sweat band to come looking for you....and I suddenly realized it was sarcasm.  Yeah, I'm getting older and not as sharp as I used to be. In reality, your...
  6. Signalman150

    2 suicide bombers killed in E. Afghanistan

    Bruce Monkhouse....thanks for nothing. I'm reading this thread at work as I'm sipping a cup of coffee.  I read yr post and suddenly....well: do you know how coffee tastes when you cycle it through your sinuses first?  Sucks to be me.
  7. Signalman150

    Red Friday Rally Today on the Hill

    Okay, I just read the CBC article, and the Yahoo Canada article on Red Shirt Day.  As an aside, I noticed that there were several headlines on Yahoo related to the Afghan mission, and all were primarily reporting support for the mission from different sectors (i.e. Mr. Karzai's visit and speech...
  8. Signalman150

    Weapon Myths

    What Paracowboy said.
  9. Signalman150

    Weapon Myths

    Not only that, but the rate of fire was so slow, that you'd sweep the room and only release 5-6 rounds . . . thereby missing all the skinny guys.  I remember my first time on the range with the SMG, my instructor just about had a kitten because (while I felt like I had my finger of the trigger...
  10. Signalman150

    Operation Medusa

    Big Bad John, Many thanks for the media updates and articles on Medusa.  In part they are calming fears I've had for a few months. I've been worrying that NATO generally--and Canada specifically--were getting sucked into the same mistake that was so hard on US forces back in the Vietnam era...
  11. Signalman150

    Canadian AFG War "Resister"

    Is it just me, or is this story ripe with mistakes?  To be "groomed for 2Lt"?  Excuse me, you APPLY to be an offr fm the ranks don't you?  I remember being asked if I wanted to go offr, (the answer was "no" btw), but I was never "groomed". And he says he was slated for Afghanistan...which...
  12. Signalman150

    Remembering Mike Rafferty................

    You know, this just sucks.  I didn't think I new Mike Rafferty until I was midway through the article.  Then I read he had been the CO of the PMD in 1987.  When I saw that I quickly looked for a picture of him on the net. Yeah, I knew him, if only superficially. Back in 1987 I was spending my...
  13. Signalman150

    How to wash a Beret?

    Wash a beret?  Whadda concept....I think my old one, (which has sat on a shelf now for almost 12 years) still has dirt on it from Wainwright '83.  I think the closest mine ever got to TLC was getting tossed in the washer with the sock load once in a while. The first good rainstorm tended to...
  14. Signalman150

    Google Earth...WOW!!!

    Berndawg, Was that the year they opened the show with that civilian registered CF104 Starfighter?
  15. Signalman150

    Google Earth...WOW!!!

    After reading this thread, I downloaded Google Earth and went "touristing".  Did the usual stuff ("I can see my house from here"), and then got curious.  Within a few minutes I was looking at: a) The MQ I lived in as a kid in Zweibrucken back in 1961; and b) the apartment (or the building that...
  16. Signalman150

    Best Box Lunch and Worse

    OMG!  Somebody else remembers the RP-4!  Yes I remember them, and I remember those crackers.  We wound up with this butter in an olive green tube that I was told was Australian.  Between that and all the jam and penie-bunner packs that were in the "extras" bag, I thought I'd died and gone to...
  17. Signalman150

    Tom Clancy

    An old thread that's been resurrected, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents. Many of the posters noted that his early work was entertaining, and well worth the read.  I agree:  The Hunt for Red October was an excellent book, though my all time fav still remains The Cardinal of the Kremlin. ...
  18. Signalman150

    Dieppe , 64 years ago today

    Ever since I saw the news item on Yahoo yesterday, I've been thinking about one man.  Back in the late 70's I worked as a Trg O for a cadet corps in Red Deer.  The CO was an ex-army Staff Sgt (no, that's not a mistake: there was a time that the Cdn army has such a rank). When I met him in '79...
  19. Signalman150

    Best Box Lunch and Worse

    Back in the 60s my father was posted to Zweibrucken and Sardinia for 5 years.  This meant that my family wound up flying all over Europe (Metz and Marville mostly) in Dakotas, North Stars, and Bristol Freighters.  One of the "features" of these flights was the obiquitous box lunches. The ones...
  20. Signalman150

    Other Friends vs. Military Friends

    Here's a quick story for you. Three buds, all sergeants in a CommRes Sqn, who all go our separate ways in '87.  Two eventually release from the Res and the third joins the reg force as an inf offr. Over the next ten years the three of us traverse long distances to meet now and then. When we...