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  1. tourwife

    How do I make him understand??

    unfortunetly I'm not one to go crying to the padre.  Not only that I don't think the situation warrents a visit.  I'm pissed at the fact that he won't write, but will it ruin us, not just this alone. Thanks for the reply.
  2. tourwife

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    For comparison for ya.  I'm living in Griesbach, the old military base in Edmonton.  I'm living in a 3 bdrm attached house, (2 bdrm, if ya want a dining room), small kitchen, but nice yard for $700.00/mth, (this is the current discounted military rate since being sold) plus my utilities which...
  3. tourwife

    Is this normal?

    My husband's best friend who was in the military died while on tour.  I only met him a couple times, but heard about him many times, he was also suppose to be our son's godfather.  His death affected me a lot.  Now every Remembrance Day, or memorial that we go to, I can't help but feel saddened...
  4. tourwife

    Canadian "Support Our Troops" Ribbons, Bracelets, Pins, etc

    I can see your point here.  My husband's first year in the military he came home with many stories of wives leaving their husbands while on tour.  He was on rear party and had the ugly job quite a few times of cleaning up after them.  My old next door nieghbneighbourted the unit to come and...
  5. tourwife

    How do I make him understand??

    yes, I think I'll have to try the box of self addressed envelopes, paper, and pens bit.  As for him getting mail from anyone, I'm the only one, so if I don't send he is truly going to miss it.  Thanks for the idea.
  6. tourwife

    How do I make him understand??

    Ok hubby is on fourth tour; and in all those months he's been gone I've only recieved 2 letters from him.  This tour is much different just because we were seperated for some time, and there's not a lot of access to the phones, the internet has been down for the last two weeks down there, How do...
  7. tourwife

    Canadian "Support Our Troops" Ribbons, Bracelets, Pins, etc

    The regiments really do crap for families while loved ones are away except for giving them the run around.
  8. tourwife

    Canadian "Support Our Troops" Ribbons, Bracelets, Pins, etc

    you should know that the MFRC is not heavily funded by the government at all, (rather hardly at all)  but rather by donations from the public and the United way.
  9. tourwife

    Edmonton Thread- Merged

    Castledowns area is very nice.  Once you get to far North East it gets shabbier, and the area isn't the greatest either if you know what I mean.  Good luck with the move.
  10. tourwife

    Canadian "Support Our Troops" Ribbons, Bracelets, Pins, etc

    Sorry, posers just annoy me for some reason....Brittney Spears....who are you too talk about being a poser that you can't come up with something just a little bit more original. If people want to show a little more appreciation for the military by wearing a bracelet or whatever else they wish...