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Search results

  1. RTaylor

    Ohio state troopers disciplined for Ku Klux Klan photo - AP

    I still think that it was handled way to harshly. A suspension for several days, temporary demotion until they completed the sensitivity training and a probation period would have sufficed in my opinion. And a written apology to their department for being tasteless enough to show the uniform /...
  2. RTaylor

    USN officer took call girl job!!!

    Id like to know how the HELL she got so in debt, I mean the alimony / childsupport is pretty high per month, but owing THAT much and having that huge variety of maxxed out credit cards, loans, etc? Sweet mother of pearl...
  3. RTaylor

    C9 Replacement

    I heard Colt has the right to make slingshots and ballbearings made of depleted uranium so that's what we'll be getting in replacement of the C9.
  4. RTaylor

    USN officer took call girl job!!!

    And this idiot is an officer? They need to do alot of cleansing to the leaders in society. A friggen donkey (like the one we have an 'stan) with a blindfold doing the cowpatty bingo to make the decisions could make better decisons than them.
  5. RTaylor

    Ohio state troopers disciplined for Ku Klux Klan photo - AP

    I honestly think that they shouldn't have had much done to them except the Diversity class, I mean it was a joke for crying out loud, and the guy stated it's from Dave Chappele for crying out loud, and I can almost guarantee that not many real racists would sit and watch his show. Americans are...
  6. RTaylor

    "What if??" A thread for people who like to speculate

    I think Im living in that alternate worlds you all speak of...I work at a call center...it''s JUST like working at one of those commie camps from what I hear.
  7. RTaylor

    Rememberance & loss from the soldiers' perspective

    My post can go for the Yanks too, and pretty well any country with a military. From what I see they this isnt just Canada, it's in many countries.
  8. RTaylor

    Poll: Ghosts - Real or not - Vote if you dare

    I used to live in Yarmouth in the South End of town growing up, on 36 Queen Street (In Nova Scotia of course). It was a massive old grey house with several massive oak trees growing outside (estimated to be 200+ years old), placed next door from a convent and a beautiful old sea captain's home...
  9. RTaylor

    FINALLY! Got everything completed, just waiting for my call!

    Thanks for the tips guys. I've been doing warmups in the shower lately and leaving out the Achille's stretching (I do it a minor bit). Here's what I do : Upper body stretches (nothing much) Touch my toes a few times 10-15 deep knee bends (these seem so stupid but for a overall leg stretch can...
  10. RTaylor

    April 08 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    Congratz to all! I was talking to the CFRC Medical Staff today and they said they have recieved all my files and I'm only awaiting my call from the clerk for my offer! Hope to see you soon.
  11. RTaylor

    New Operational Service Medal Announced

    I want one for Operation Persistence (Swissair Flight 111 cleanup) -jk- (would be cool though) I have to agree with Vern, long overdue and IMO it's beauracracy getting in the way of Military matters once again. A mighty shame as recognition is long overdue. Here's mine : :salute:
  12. RTaylor

    Bored and want suggestions for a decent FPS Game

    You can't go wrong with Gears of War or CoD 4...Lost Planet is pretty nice too. Of the 3 I'd say CoD 4 is hands down probably *the* best FPS since Goldeneye. You could try Tomb Raider : Legends or Kane and Lynch : Dead Men, but they are 3rd person.
  13. RTaylor

    April 08 BMQ - ALL LOCATIONS

    People keep telling me that good things come to those who wait...well by god I should get a friggin recruit school bypass by the time I actually get my call  :crybaby: Congratz to those who are heading out :)
  14. RTaylor

    Another USN SEAL to get Medal of Honor posthumously

    I thought this is appropriate to post here for our American colleagues, and for anyone who wants to know the selflessness of a real hero : http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/04/08/seal.medal/index.html WASHINGTON (CNN) -- When a grenade bounced off his chest and fell to the floor near his fellow...
  15. RTaylor

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    ..And I'm still waiting. No reason why they shouldn't have had my docs ready and waiting besides someone being a slack ass. Sigh  :rage:
  16. RTaylor

    Off-duty medic highway hero

    Hell, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, but there's laws to protect you if you do. I hope the accident victims pull through, it's a hell of a price to pay for the 3-4 seconds it would have taken to buckle up.
  17. RTaylor

    Rememberance & loss from the soldiers' perspective

    I like the re-wored header, thanks ;) Could change it to ex-soldier but once its in your blood...
  18. RTaylor

    Rememberance & loss from the soldiers' perspective

    Only a small percent of the population is actually ignorant, the others are just uneducated. Pop culture and media has done that to them.
  19. RTaylor

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I was told that Basic is good for 10 years, yet I have to do it over again and it's only been 9 since I did it. I think that the reg force will want you to do Basic over again because, to be honest, reservist units don't do the full course no matter what MOC you're coming from, unless you...
  20. RTaylor

    Monthly Pay after deductions - Questions [Merged]

    Basic Up is from 2006 I think, not recent and hte payscales change from year to year.