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Search results

  1. Steel Badger

    high school education, but no qualifications.

    BZ to FDO ( retired) Maybe Mike should sticky your last comment in the recruiting forum. Sound advice. SB
  2. Steel Badger

    Dental Officer Training Program DOTP

    Trees: After consulting w/ my UPSO and the production staff here your options appear to be: 1)  Go ROTP, serve your min obligatory service period then apply for MMTP. MMTP is the in-service Med O trg plan. Apparently there is no in-service Dental O plan according to the PSO world. ( For ROTP...
  3. Steel Badger

    Recruitment into Combat Arms (first time poster)

    AES OP has 7 posn avail nationally. As of 0901AM Hamilton time. Cheers SB
  4. Steel Badger

    Feds cut pension payments to cons

    Sad, but true!    Once, long ago, I could spell, but that was before Mr. Monkhouse got ahold of me!
  5. Steel Badger

    Feds cut pension payments to cons

    Yesterday I could not spell C.O........ today, I IS one! SOmebody blame my coach officer!!!  Bruce?  Bruce???????
  6. Steel Badger

    Feds cut pension payments to cons

    We are only concerned in that they keep getting arrested as well Moe, more job security that way ;)
  7. Steel Badger

    Feds cut pension payments to cons

    As I recall, we had all sorts of educational programs for mopes at Guelph Correctional Centre. Even lined em up with jobs through the instructors.... And they still went off the rails when released...............One of mine knocked over his own mother's corner store ( punching her in the...
  8. Steel Badger

    Feds cut pension payments to cons

    Prisoners, in Ontario, can also apply for all those lovely credits on their income taxes. If they file their return, they pocket the cash, as of course they have no income. ( or report none) Dennis: Who cares that it will only save a few denarii, simply "being" an inmate should not qualify one...
  9. Steel Badger

    Dental Officer Training Program DOTP

    As far as I am aware, the CF will not subsidise you for both ROTP and DOTP. It is one or the other. I have recently realt with an applicant who wanted the CF to cover ROTP and Med O TP. The answer was no, we ( the CF) will only cover one program. She was informed if she wants MOTP she has to get...
  10. Steel Badger


    Offense taken. Then again, maybe not, as you seem to have listened to "many people" instead of those whose job it is to inform you of yoru options. Good drills there. SB
  11. Steel Badger

    Processing duration for a Chinese-Canadian applicant

    How true that is! I think I am gonna have to start referring to that class of applicants as BUS's.
  12. Steel Badger

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Typically, we do not ( and should not )  give the overall CFAT score or score by sections to the Applicant. To be honest, knowing the score in and of itself is not that important. What is more important is the form we ( at my CFRC anyway) give to teh applicant listing all the trades they...
  13. Steel Badger

    What a load of s**t .... HEY!!!!!

    Something about the story stinks.
  14. Steel Badger

    Processing duration for a Chinese-Canadian applicant

    We caution applicants that if they have foriegn implications impinging on their application ( Immediate family residing outside Canada etc) the security clearance proces may take up to 18 months. It can, however, take much longer if the applicant has provided incomplete or inaccurate...
  15. Steel Badger

    Recruitment into Combat Arms (first time poster)

    S_Wollen: All General Mililtary trades ( Combat arms, Bosn etc ) are currently full. Most should re-open in the new fiscal year( April 2011) . That is not to say that  openings for some of the presently closed trades will not reappear between now and then. If spots do open up, they are...
  16. Steel Badger

    Security clearance

    Stealthylizard is correct: no shortcuts.
  17. Steel Badger

    Offer Being Retracted

    Typically, your file manager will call you when all the requisite paperwork is complete and you are ready to be enrolled. Try calling your File manager or your Career councillor for clarification. (If you cannot remember who your MCC was, ask the staff when you call, his or her name is a matter...
  18. Steel Badger

    Offer Being Retracted

    The chap ( or Chapette) who conducted your interview is your MCC. He or she may also wear 2 hats as a recruiter as well. File managers do not conduct interviews and assign MP scores.....
  19. Steel Badger

    Offer Being Retracted

    Applicants cannot be merit listed for trades they have not been processed for, this includes the interview. As a military career councillor I cannot interview an applicant for cook but file my formal report as suitable for pilot. The process and our SOP's do not support that. At the very least...
  20. Steel Badger

    Offer Being Retracted

    A file manager cannot accept or retract/ refuse an offer made to an applicant. The offer is made to the applicant, not the file manager... typically the applicant is contacted by a Military Career councillor or a file manger and given the offer, as well as the opportunity to accept or refuse it...