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  1. Steel Badger

    Former soldiers from CFB Shilo get 18 months for child pornography

    I have had the displeasure of supervising the incarceration of this exact pathetic excuse for carbon based life forms. As Bruce can attest; a whole range full of these predators puts a real trip on your heid. I have a great deal of difficulty controlling my temper while working a P.C. range...
  2. Steel Badger

    BFTs in City Equals "The Start Of A Police State"

    Back in the day, returning home ( on foot) from a winter ex at a local farm i(f memory serves) B COY of the G&SF was stopped by Barrie's finest because a hysterical ( and no doubt elderly) woman had called in insisting that there were armed Germans dragging toboggans down her street. I recall...
  3. Steel Badger

    Talk about Racist and Sexist!

    University can be a wonderfully mind-narrowing experience!
  4. Steel Badger

    Talk about Racist and Sexist!

    Back in the day, when I was at McMaster Uni in Hamilton.... I remember some nut from the Afro-Carribean club got an article into the student paper calaiming that white culture was like white bread....dull and bad for you, while brown culture was like brown bread; zesty and full of life.... Set...
  5. Steel Badger

    Forcing me to swtich from Navy Int op to army int op.

    George, I agree with your comments above regarding a recruit posted RCD vice LdSH...  But if the INT trades are now environment specific, does that not change the picture?
  6. Steel Badger

    Liberals Want Voting Age Lowered to 16

    Sorry for my latest derailing of the thread all; but having asked C/D a question, I feel I deserve an answer to it. Certainly I believe that Bruce deserves one as well. Why does C/D appear to be more and more an "ivory tower" wallah who hides behind hyperbole?  Perhaps he has reached HIS...
  7. Steel Badger

    Possible Listeria Exposure in Ontario Prisons

    Is anyone actually suprised....except myself  ( I thought this would transpire a lot sooner....)
  8. Steel Badger

    Liberals Want Voting Age Lowered to 16

    Bruce, that is what I wanted to know... we shall see if he answers,    given that he his very reticent to elaborate on his own sit.
  9. Steel Badger

    Liberals Want Voting Age Lowered to 16

    Artorius old nut; if this thread turns into a recruiting tool for the GALLANT AND IMPERIAL LOYAL FRONTIERSMEN of IMPERIAL CANADA ( Stealth DIVISION) United COMMAND, Splinter Division.....
  10. Steel Badger

    Liberals Want Voting Age Lowered to 16

    C/D old son, I believe I asked you a question: Have you ever been involved with, or part of a Union?  One would imagine the polite response would be to answer it.
  11. Steel Badger

    Our justice system coddles offenders (well, maybe only some.......)

    Very VERY little if any rehab goes on in prison. Despite all the fine sounding policies; Corrections ( Federal or provincial) doesn't command a large enough slice of the budget pie to provide the necessary programs; and if it did....well....... local merchants ( or various others) would then...
  12. Steel Badger

    Liberals Want Voting Age Lowered to 16

    C/D.. I have to ask? have YOU ever participated in a Union in any form; or are you basing your judgements entirely on what you have read?  I have 10 years experience as an active Union member, ( 7 of them as a Steward) and I must say that your ideas of Unions are idealistic and "Ivory Tower" to...
  13. Steel Badger

    The Optimal Battle Group vs. the Affiliated Battle Group

    If that is your ideas speaking for ya mate, you should perhaps tell 'em to ease off the redbull and coffee! In or out of context, that post is just a wee bit cryptic, savvy?
  14. Steel Badger

    The Optimal Battle Group vs. the Affiliated Battle Group

    Army08;  You've gone off the plot mate. Very difficult to follow your line of reasoning.  Perhaps filling out a bit more of your profile would help us understand where yo are coming from?
  15. Steel Badger

    Too fat for jail: gang member released.

    I dunno, most visits from lawers seem to be about seeking new business.....
  16. Steel Badger

    Ontario To Stop Inspecting House Arrest Prisoners

    This from the folks who brought you payphones in the inamte dayrooms  so they can "three-way" to their hearts content....no matter how it affects institutional security or promotes the incarcerates personal. and illegal, side businessess, Jesus wept, Cheers SB
  17. Steel Badger

    Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada in Normandy

    dfuller.... It may take a bit of time, but I will try to get you in touch with our Regimental Historian, Dr Robert ( Mad Rob) Fraser. I am presently in the sandbox but will forward details as soon as I can. Cheers SB ASHof C (PL)
  18. Steel Badger

    Liberals Want Voting Age Lowered to 16

    Rubicon?  16 year olds from Nova Scotia can now cross a small stream on the border of Transalpine Gaul and contest Pompey for the control of Rome? 
  19. Steel Badger

    Too fat for jail: gang member released.

    So they are starving are they? Perhaps they should concentrate on consuming the sustenance provided instead of spending their time removing and / or  inserting narcotics into their rectums for the purpose of smuggling...
  20. Steel Badger

    Too fat for jail: gang member released.

    Nah, this fellow would never starve....  his gang buddies just punk off other inmates for food! You should  see it, in all of its fleshy glory, reclining on the floor of his cell swaddled in but a pair of boxers, complaining that the extra bread I have offered him instead of an extra meal is...