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  1. JABAC

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Not yet.  I'll have some pics once I get back to Canada.
  2. JABAC

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Apart from checking out 'yummies' at the local pool, currently I'm fighting alititude sickness at 3820 m at Lake Titicaca in Peru. 
  3. JABAC

    Don't do it... it's addictive.

    Holy hannah, I just played that game for 45 min straight.  I hardly blinked.
  4. JABAC

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Slacking off at work. Currently I work the reception desk at a medical clinic and when it gets slow, it gets SUPER boring.  So I occasionally come on here to get updates...and remind myself of what I am leaving this job and drab routine for.  It's going to be SO worth it.
  5. JABAC

    Happy thread

    Yeah.....in Calgary it's about -10, and at my place there's about 7 cm of snow....last Sunday around +20 C or so.  Good old Canadian weather...or Calgarian, rather.  FRICK! (and we thought spring was here...)
  6. JABAC

    Joining reg force: "You're going to die there."

    For some reason, the thought of dying in combat does not turn me off joining the military at all.  In fact, I think it is one of the most honourable ways to die.  Personally, I would rather give my life for my country than die without a reason.  We are all going to go someday; some of us may die...
  7. JABAC

    Question about joining as a Medic

    Haha, I know I probably have an inaccurate idea since I have not yet experienced it, but that is what I hope for and what I will strive for.  I will give my best because that's what I want the team I am a part of to be.  A team is only as strong as it's weakest member and I hope to be there to...
  8. JABAC

    How has your experience been?

    Wow, it really sounds like the expereince of a lifetime!  I am really looking forward to when I can create my own memories and have experiences of my own.
  9. JABAC

    How has your experience been?

    As I have been reading through many posts and comments, I have gotten the sense that the experience of most people who have served with the Canadian Forces has been positive, more or less.  I am just wondering if this is actually the case or simply what I have chosen to view it as.  So, I am...
  10. JABAC

    Question about joining as a Medic

    I was originally looking into paramedics when the military thing came up... so there was no doubt that I would be involved in the military in the medical aspect.  As for joining the army, so many things appealed to me about it.  The lifestyle and benefits, the focus on fitness, travel...
  11. JABAC

    On menstruating, sharks, and parts --- a thread I recommend only for girls!!

    Yo, I have a question for all the women who have been on tour with the military...what the heck do you do when you are on your rag? It's inconvenient enough when you're at home and have all the comforts of easily accessible facilities... but what about when you're out in the field with a bunch...
  12. JABAC

    Calling all Medtechs

    From a recruiter I talked to
  13. JABAC

    Calling all Medtechs

    Just a question:  I applied for medtech so I was wondering if anyone knows approximately how man positions are currently available?  Last time I heard (back in November) there wre about 70.  I am just curious to see what sort of demand there is for medtechs.  I was also told that most get...
  14. JABAC

    Ignorant Civies

    I really wouldn't go so far as to say that the opinion of the civies is more important.  We (military members) are also citizens of the same country.  The military is a government organization.  The citizens elected the government.  And the military answers to the government, not to the general...
  15. JABAC

    Ignorant Civies

    I think this subject is being dragged out quite a bit...I think there is a lot of confusion about what the military does and what the country needs it for.  Having a military is power, even if it is not used extensively.  The fact that we would be able to defend ourselves against an attack is...
  16. JABAC

    Ignorant Civies

    On the same line of the previous posts, I think that one of the most appalling ignorant attitudes of many Canadians today is anti-americanism in general.  We need to keep in mind that without the States as our main trading partner and ally, Canada wouldn't exist the way we do.  Anti-americanism...
  17. JABAC

    Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

    A few reasons (among many) that I decided to join: -A sense of working for something greater than myself -my country, our future -To help people in a practical way and to help my fellow comrades (I will be a medtech) -To learn awesome new skills -The unknown aspect- where I'll go or what...
  18. JABAC

    Smooth Sailing...hopefully

    I guess it depends what job they offered.  I've always known I'd be in the medical profession in some way, I might just have to tackle it from a different angle...put in some time, apply for something else....maybe go back to school and finish a degree.  Take it as it comes.  I wouldn't...
  19. JABAC

    Smooth Sailing...hopefully

    Yeah, well noted...I guess since that was the position they have already offered me I assumed that's what they'll want me for later on.  But I should be prepared in case they offer me something else
  20. JABAC

    Smooth Sailing...hopefully

    I can't tell you how stoked I am.  This whole experience has just made me even more firm in the decision I've made.  There is no doubt in my mind that this is what I am meant to do