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  1. RetiredRoyal

    All Things Flight Engineer (merged)

    Well, still on the official rumor side of things. I have two good friends that are Sgt FE's, one on hercs in Trenton. The other just leaving hercs in winnipeg for Comox. Both say word from the top is that no FE's are loaded on C17's but the loadmaster trade is low on numbers, so FE's may fill...
  2. RetiredRoyal

    All Things Flight Engineer (merged)

    Why? Is it that difficult a course?
  3. RetiredRoyal

    MOC's that can remuster to FE

    You can DE (direct entry) to FE if you were a qualified AVN tech before you got out and can show some kind of 'currency' in aviation. There are a couple who have done it (i'm in the process, waiting for the last okey dokey from Ottawa) ie being completely routed through the recruiting centre as...
  4. RetiredRoyal

    Passed my CFAT, WooHoo!

    Congrats...when I first enrolled, many moons ago. I applied for Infantry NCM, Armoured Trooper and Artillery NCM..in that order. For regimental affiliation I chose RCR, Dragoons and I don't care. (I wanted to increase my odds of going to Pet or London) I had just got home from working midnights...
  5. RetiredRoyal

    Air trades (AVN, AVS and ACS) re-enrollment

    If you are an ex avn, avs or acs or previous AET, AFT, Refinisher etc and are considering re-enrolling you should contact: Chief Warrant Officer Tom Walker at walker.wt@forces.gc.ca or 1-866-355-8195. He's part of the Air Force Intake and Liason Team. Tasking is to streamline the 12 month...
  6. RetiredRoyal

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    So latest is: 9 May 07 3 Month post Lasik Appt 1 June 07 Aircrew Vision 4 June 07 Aircrew Part II Medical (bloodwork, ECG etc) 7 June 07 Docs off to Ottawa etc. June 13th...waiting.
  7. RetiredRoyal

    Any Old Timer Recruits out there?

    I've heard that AF2000 cut the donut rations down, but my buddies who are still in assure me that the only way to find a tow crew is to hit the smoke tent and catch the bodies before they scatter.
  8. RetiredRoyal

    Any Old Timer Recruits out there?

    OK, so I re-read your post as suggested and found the quote cited above. You didn't say "by the time he is 52 it quite possibly that he could be in a world of hurt" you said "All I can say is that you are in for a world of hurt. I guarantee that by the age 52 you will regret your decision"...
  9. RetiredRoyal

    CH-146 Griffon

    Would someone with knowledge on the topic care to expand on the thought that the reserve squadrons, ie 400 Sqn, would be eliminated or lose their rides? Is this fact or is it speculation and if it is fact, what is the time frame? I thought 400 Sqn was a 'total force' sqn? Would that concept...
  10. RetiredRoyal

    Any Old Timer Recruits out there?

    mover, you already answered your own question "old bitter individuals who get nothing more out of life than to whine mope and complain and have nothing better to do than to poison people with their attitude." Doesn't canuck work at a recruting centre or something? lol...great first impression...
  11. RetiredRoyal

    Any Old Timer Recruits out there?

    **retiredroyal raises his mug to all the old timers Hail, Congrats to all the old farts... when we were all twenty (i'm turning 42 on june 15th) 40 was old. the culture of the forces taught us that a guy was tx'd at 40 and should be put off to pasture. When I was in the infantry, by the time...
  12. RetiredRoyal

    is it turn around in the industry?

    I was in, then I was out, now I'm processing my way back in. I have a very good civilian job with seniority, stability, pension...all the stuff most people would want. I've missed putting on the blue bag and black cadillacs every day i've been out. I'm looking forward to serving again.
  13. RetiredRoyal

    Joining after a 5(d) discharge.

    yes you can..i am. I was reg force, 4c release..went to reserves and was released nas without my knowledge....recruiting centre had the release item changed. I asked the same question about 6 months ago. Correct answer is that regardless of release item, CFRG still needs to waive you for...
  14. RetiredRoyal

    Winnipeg vs Trenton Postings

    I was with 440 Sqn, Edmonton and then moved to Winnipeg..posted to 435 Sqn during their upheaval. I also worked in 402 as a reserve after I left the reg force. My opinion, winnipeg sucks. If you like motorcycles, don't come here. Insurance is outrageous. They run a system where you pay for a...
  15. RetiredRoyal

    Doing it all over...

    I wouldn't have gotten out, then I wouldn't be trying to get back in...lol. Actually, I wish I'd read the stickied thread on your money...some sage advice there. Watch out for the local watering holes in the small towns near the bases....lots of potential wives or mothers of your future...
  16. RetiredRoyal

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    Good day, If any are considering re-enrolling, here's my experience. Aug 06         Online Application Sep 06         CFRC Phones me Sep 06         Take doc's etc to CFRC and they request VFS Dec 06          VFS Returns, shows outstanding kit from reserve transfer Jan 07           Return Kit...
  17. RetiredRoyal

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    Lasik with custom wavefront and no intralase. I chose microkeratome as the FDA does not support the claim you get better results with intralase, only less operative and post op complications. My centre uses the Hanson microkeratome which has a lower operative complication rate than any around. I...
  18. RetiredRoyal

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    disregard my last..i got my info screwed up while reading the aircrew selection standards....out.
  19. RetiredRoyal

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    as old medic said, glasses and recent prescription...they will only make you go see an opthomologist if your prescription is worse than -7.00. If your vision is 6/120, uncorrected (you can see the big E) then you are still at least a v3 provided the sphere is no worse than -2.50.
  20. RetiredRoyal

    remuster/enroll as FE...

    Thanks Bison, That should help me with my interview. They stopped enforcing BMI while I was still in but still wrote the info on your express test forms. Dropping some weight will still help with blood pressure, heart rate etc. I'm doing twice a day cardio and weights 3 times a week, so I...