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  1. A

    Is there a Canadian citizens Militia?

    Only if you have a ninja section
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    Virtual shoot house - live fire

    Not sure about stuff that advanced, but we do have weapon simulators were you lay in one spot and shoot co2 rifles and machine guns at a screen with little people running at you.  I think it uses lazers to detect shots, and normally ends when a tank comes rolling by, because we don't have any...
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    Russia tests powerful 'dad of all bombs'

    I like this one. "Rukshin said the new bomb would allow the military to "protect the nation's security and confront international terrorism in any situation and any region." Now they just have to wait for all of the terrorist to all mass together in a 990 foot radius, with no nearby civilians...
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    Name Tag Insigna

    haha, thats how they spelt it on the website.  But thanks for the response, i was fairly sure i remembered there being cross swords. Maby ill be extra cool and order a smiley face on mine!  ;D  Im sure they would like that.
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    Name Tag Insigna

    Hey, sorry for making a post over such a small question, but i really couldent find the answer anywhere else.  I am ordering name tags from CP gear (my issued ones seem to have gotten lost in paper work land, were paperwork goes to die) and I have figured out that i must want cadpat with olive...
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    knee and/or elbow pads for the infanteer

    Ok, you were right aviator, its just like every other post.  :(
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    knee and/or elbow pads for the infanteer

    Lets see how it goes.
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    knee and/or elbow pads for the infanteer

    Ok, i have been looking around this forum researching knee and elbow pads and have come up with many post and links for lots of different suggestions and types.  The problem is that for every suggestion there seems to be an argument against it, and many of the post that sound knowledgeable turn...
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    How to Pack Sleeping Bags

    ??? Wouldent you want heavy kit low so that the weight isint puling you backwards and straining your back? And did you guys know the new jackets turn into themselves and become a pillow... thats kinda cool, i personally don't bother, most of the time Im just happy to sleep.
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    Quelle horreur! Bush administration wants Law of the Sea Treaty ratified

    Yes, but just think about when the poles switch, we could conquer Alaska! .... sure it might take a thousand years, but will wait... will wait.  >:D
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    Future US-Canada Water disputes due to Global Warming?

    Let em come, I hope they like the taste of blood in there water.  >:D But seriously, there are lots of other solutions to water shortages, you can boil or evaporate sea water and then recolect it, it would sooner become economic (or at least combined with moral reasons) to build large filtering...
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    Is it time for Direct Democracy to make a comeback?

    If the populace were prefect enough for direct democracy, why not go a little more perfect, and go true communism.  Too many people care about themselves more then there country.
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    Proper protocol for Officer Cadets

    Funny thing, were i am, we seem to treat officer cadets as just another one of the guys (privates and easygoing corporals) and I have never seen anyone even say a thing.  If i really want to be polite to one of the officer cadets, i will normally address them as Mr "there name" and thats all...
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    Need Guidance on Rucksack March

    Some bits of advice i was recently given.  Buy a better waste belt (with those side pads (kidney pads?), and if possible, a better frame.  Also make sure there is no space between the valise and your frame.  Apparently your aloud to customize your ruck sack... or at least hopefully.  :-\
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    Shin Splints, Blisters, and PT [Merged]

    A question about that, I have managed to get blisters on the top of my foot, near the ankle, and was wondering if this might be an exception to the "no mole skin" suggestion?
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    Need Guidance on Rucksack March

    Wait to see what the more knowledgeable members have to say, but in my opinion, if you only wore civvies except for the ruck sack, you would look like a civilian just going for a hike with some old army rucksack from the surplus store. You would probably want to wear your boot too though to help...
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    Worst choice..quitting the forces

    Your WO told you not to quit?  The WO on our course was always yelling at us to go home, first thing he did was individualy tell people they were going to quit. Only day i ever felt like quiting, was when we were learning drill, i was the worst person there at it... i think the worst part was...
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    Let's get rid of the Beret (or at least tell logistik unicorp theirs suck)

    does everyone in land forces get the same beret when they first start and haven't earned there regiment one yet?
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    A Perspective on Russia.

    Russia is still our ally right?  Whats wrong with them getting stronger?
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    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    I was wondering if swiming is a good thing to combine with runing and other excersise? 