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  1. thorbahn

    yarmouth artillery

    There sure is.. 84th Independent Field Battery, 1 FD Regt. I'd say as a whole we get along well with the West Novies  :)
  2. thorbahn

    yarmouth artillery

    Once you complete the application and turn it in, you should get called in maybe a couple weeks, maybe a month, shouldn't be more than 2 months. All depends.
  3. thorbahn

    Does Cadets count for nething?

    Know matter what rank you were in cadets, it would very likely not affect what position you will have in the military. Although you may have gained experience that will help your career.
  4. thorbahn

    yarmouth artillery

    Yes it should...how far through the joining process are you?
  5. thorbahn

    yarmouth artillery

    If you're doing a weekend BMQ, yes you would still attend the weekly training nights. The extra 3 hours is nothing to worry about though, and would be considerably more relaxed than BMQ. As for "what stuff gets done", that would depend on whether you are a new Private, or one of the trained...
  6. thorbahn

    yarmouth artillery

    The training on tuesday nights from 7-10 is generally a good time. It's somewhat laid back, but we also get the work done that needs to be.
  7. thorbahn

    84 independent field battery?

    I am, and joined last year. I started the application process before summer, so the last summer everything kind of ground to a halt while people are gone on various taskings/courses throughout the summer. I'll lay out the steps: Get your application package. Complete it in a timely manner, if...
  8. thorbahn

    how often can we call home durring training?

    familyman..where is your training taking place?
  9. thorbahn

    question to the infanteers !;d

    To re-word that with what I'm pretty sure he's saying: If during the application process you are told you will join RCR, PPCLI, etc, can you be sure that is what you will join once you've completed training?
  10. thorbahn

    generic wash basin vs. issued one

    So..does anyone think I could make out just fine not bringing my generic metal bowl? it's a little deep, not that big of a diameter (8-9 inches max) so it doesn't fit very well in the top of the valise.
  11. thorbahn

    QM - The facility, or the person who operates it?

    Ah, so basically it's both. Works for me.
  12. thorbahn

    QM - The facility, or the person who operates it?

    QM, which stands for Quartermaster, as far as I know, seems like it would be the person you go to for exchanging / getting kit, etc. But around my unit, it's used as if it's the place, not the person that you go to. Example: "..Over in the QM..." "Go to the QM" So which is it?
  13. thorbahn

    generic wash basin vs. issued one

    Thanks, I should be all right then.
  14. thorbahn

    generic wash basin vs. issued one

    Hi, I wasn't able to get a wash basin issued to me at my home unit before I go away for summer, (SQ + DP1 Arty), I was wondering if I'd get away with any ol' stainless steel metal dish/bowl. Thanks.
  15. thorbahn

    Ouch, thats gotta hurt (Video, Artillery Accident - Work Safe)

    I'm not familiar with that type of gun, but I am an inexperienced private in the artillery and it looks like it fired premature because nobody seemed ready and nobody pulled a lanyard. Perhaps a more experienced gunner could provide the answer.
  16. thorbahn


  17. thorbahn

    Basic In Aldershot

    Hi, I did BMQ there just this past Winter. I like it at Aldershot, overall. Specially the food  :D (seriously, I find it quite good). If they put you in building 216, that'll be better than the H-huts. It's kind of like a hotel only with 2 floors, no carpets and lots of bunks in a room  :) If...
  18. thorbahn

    The Gagetown Thread- Merged

    Do you recall if it's the kind of place where you can just walk in and swim on your free time or it would have to scheduled, or there's certain hours?
  19. thorbahn

    The Gagetown Thread- Merged

    I was wondering if there was a public swimming pool at or around CFB Gagetown. I find swimming is a great way to relax/relieve stress/cool down/get a little PT.
  20. thorbahn

    getting gassed

    And make sure after you're done and the place is opened up and aired out a little...ask the staff if you can go walk through again! Without the mask. We did. Tastes like pepper.