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  1. C

    Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

    I'm not much of a proponent for nation building, for many reasons which I won't get into, but with the world situation today unstable as it is, not being involved in regions like Afghanistan and Iraq, would leave a vaccum ripe for terrorists elements. I now think it's imperative for a stronger...
  2. C

    What it was like in the 70s?

    Britney, Some of us preferred the 30 rd mags of the C2 (over the 20 rd mag of the C1) which contributed to the weight when having to lug a weapon and extra mags around. We also used lots of gun oil on the wooden stocks (during cleaning back then) that may have contributed to the weight factor...
  3. C

    What it was like in the 70s?

    Try and imagine using manual typewriters, awful green dress uniforms, and lugging around a much heavier weapon in the field.  Oh yeah, milk in plastic backs. 
  4. C

    Anti-War Demonstrations - Halifax

    I can only imagine how much nonsense these college professors spread during the course of a teaching career. 
  5. C

    CDN Hostage James Loney Rescued by SAS in Iraq

    Happy to hear that the hostage situation is resolved and that they are no longer in the hands of fanatics. My condolances to the family of the American  hostage.
  6. C

    Government Falls! The 2006 election thread

    Nice to see the conservatives in, even if it's just a minority ;D
  7. C

    UK officer slams US Iraq tactics

    My guess is that the experts in OOTW are Army SF who have performed remarkably in both Iraq and A/stan, from the little that has been published, it was the SF teams that softened up the Taliban and AQ targets and got the ball running in A/stan. I don't agree entirely with the author.
  8. C

    A scary strategic problem - no oil

    My focus is on China (since it's producing most of the worlds goods/junk) and it's huge demand on oil. I have no doubt that there will be a show- down in the not too distant future over the world oil supply. I don't think alternative energies will be sufficient to curtail that scenario = based...
  9. C

    Unacceptable Political Advertising: Liberals Attacking the CF

    The democratic socialists who run Canada have always hated the military and what it represents = so it's nothing new. This open disdain for the CF and military types has becomed ingrained in the masses over the course of many years.
  10. C

    Conservatism needs work

    There's only so much defining one can do when its not backed with honour and integrity. That seems to be the major problem with all parties.
  11. C

    How Will You Vote

    In my view, I think they're all thieves. Some are just better = than others.
  12. C

    Dishonourable Discharge?

    Most people and employers couldn't care less about the military or what your service record says. Just the same, an honourable is still the way to go.   
  13. C

    Private Military Companies, Good or Bad If Canada Used Them?

    The US military doesn't have the troops to provide static security serv to companies operating throughout Iraq, nor close protection serv to executives working for those companies. Like the private sector, it makes sense to hire private companies (which is what PMCs are) for filling specific...
  14. C

    Remembrance Day Trip

    The objective is to travel to Washington, DC and visit the Nat WW2 monument that opened in 2004. If I can get one Canadian onboard, I would depart from Albany, NY at the beginning of Nov. Assuming, noone is interested, there's a possibility that I might still go ahead with it. If so, I will...
  15. C

    Remembrance Day Trip

    I would like to plan a cycling trip from upstate New York to Washington, DC., to acknowledge the  alliances that many Cdn vets forged with our American friends. Additionally, to let Americans know that many of us who served in the CF, support our friends to the south, despite the idiots running...
  16. C

    Blackwater USA Conducting Ops in New Orleans

    That way, maybe the CSIS will pay you a little visit. Can't have those ex-military types on the loose, doncha know?
  17. C

    Metal cap badges for all!!

    In the early years of MOBCOM, the cap badges weren't anodized = so you had to keep polishing them with Silvo (or Brasso). That's probably why I like the cloth ones ;) Being shiny, they also make good targets, when you consider that they were worn in the field with full combats.
  18. C

    Should the US create a Foreign Legion for non-Americans?

    I don't think it's a CF problem. It's more a reflection of mainstream Canada not wanting to fund a large and well equipped force. Priorities have changed over the years. I feel for the younger people like yourself who still want to wear a uniform = despite the military being systematically...
  19. C

    China achieves ICBM ability to strike US

    As long as there's a NA demand for cheap Chicom goods, I don't see the Chinese using then any time soon. Even Wally's World (Walmart) = might be a factor ;) 