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Search results

  1. WO2 Gubbels

    Any STARGATE SG-1 & STARGATE Atlantis Fans Out There? Need Some Input

      I have been an avid watcher of both shows.  I am currently on 909 I think for both, I don't care for the new episodes so much of SG1.  They meet with the Ori which are not near as cool as the old bad guys.  The show just isn't the same without the old characters, I still watch it because well...
  2. WO2 Gubbels

    Can you be promoted at camp?

    Every Course I have been on with the exception of one have had a flight sr positions.  If you were unlucky you had to do it for extended periods of time.  They normally try to get every person to have a turn at it, it also depends on where you are.  If my memory serves we had them on basic.  The...
  3. WO2 Gubbels

    High school education is obsolete

        I went to prom last year and thought it was awsome.  I went to my old schools prom, where I was for three years and then I spent my grade 12 and 13 at the other school.  So maybe it is different because I never see most of the people I'm not sure.  I rented a tux, bought some er expensive...
  4. WO2 Gubbels

    Kids working!

      I've been working since I was 10 I think.  I still got to do normal kid things, and only worked all summer.  I was able to attend some things in the summer during the day, and always had nights off.  I worked in tobacco, made some money and learned how to be a good worker.  I had my first...
  5. WO2 Gubbels

    Pilot Equiptment

      I am a civvie and have my PPL,   When I go up, i always bring my sunglasses, my marker pencil, a pencil or 2, a pen, my VNC, required docs, cell phone, flight computer, checklist, the CFS, my camara, and wallet (and my car keys lol).             J.G.
  6. WO2 Gubbels

    blackdown - officer questions

    Yup that would be my little sis, she did basic in trenton and has been in bordon since.  uptop for one year and then down there for 1 year I think, staff last year, and will be back for staff this year.  My other sister did her first 6 weeker there last year, and will be back in blackdown this...
  7. WO2 Gubbels

    Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

      I'm pretty sure that the SAS allow direct entry for Civilians.  I could be wrong but do believe I watched a documentry on it, might be possible to dig it up.
  8. WO2 Gubbels

    blackdown - officer questions

      Hi all, thanks for the replies so far. I obtained my paper work last Friday, and I am under the position of "Crse Dir".  Just curious if anyone knew what that entailed etc.  I talked to someone on the phone today (I forget the name) about my accepting etc and they didn't have a description...
  9. WO2 Gubbels

    French commands

      I will have NCO's to perform the task, but it is always a nice thing to know.  Especially since Tech is a national course (where I'm going) with many ppl from out east and Quebec, while I will not be conducting drill most of the time, I'm sure there will be times when I will have to or choose...
  10. WO2 Gubbels

    French commands

    thanks for the help, If only I could read it as easily as spanish :) guess I have something to work at now.       J.G.
  11. WO2 Gubbels

    French commands

      Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew any french commands, or a resource for french drill commands??? :) I knew them at one time, and could probably still figure them out if they were being yelled at me, but I would like to actually learn them properly this time.  Baggotville taught them to...
  12. WO2 Gubbels

    blackdown - officer questions

      I actually have no idea what exactly I'm doing.  I got my paper work yesterday, it says: Crse Dir.  As to what exactly this is, I am unsure.  I am going on the assumption that it is the officer in charge of the flights/platoons.  Unless they have changed things, when I went in 2003 they had...
  13. WO2 Gubbels

    blackdown - officer questions

      Hi all,   I was just wondering what a general day of an officer is like, hours wise, work load wise, what kind of facilities are there for officers, laundry, how much room does one have?  What kind of materials would one need or would come in handy?   I have been accepted as a CI this summer...
  14. WO2 Gubbels

    bulletproof armour

      Hi all, I'm doing a physics project on bullet proof armour, and have had some problems finding information on canadian rifles with respect to bullet proof armour.  I was wondering if anyone knew what type of armour would protect against the C7 or C8?  or is there no protection.  From the...
  15. WO2 Gubbels

    Grammar and Sentence Structures

      I graduated school last year, and went back for my grade 13.  I took all the highend classes, and spelling/grammer is very important.  I admit I am not perfect, but I do use msn on a daily basis.  I find that some people use alot of short forms, they tend to over use the lol, LOL, etc, which I...
  16. WO2 Gubbels

    HMCS York and NavRez questions

      Thanks, it makes sense that they would have only so many allocations, but I wasn't exactly sure, thanks for clearing that up for me.   Hour and a half, that is unfortunate but overcomable.   I might to army reserves, but navy/air is more my thing.     An additional question, for fitness...
  17. WO2 Gubbels

    HMCS York and NavRez questions

      Hi all,   I've been reading these boards for quite some time, and decided to post a few compiled questions I have.  I  haven't been to the recruiter yet as I intend on going after school and biking across town to combine exercise with an additional objective.      I am currently in my...
  18. WO2 Gubbels

    Sexual Predator in Mom's Daycare

      I as well think that the legal system in Canada is terrible.  In particular the young offenders act.  When someone is sentenced for something terrible, maybe they should take all their assets if they dont have a family.  Pay for their own time in, from what I hear some people have it easier in...
  19. WO2 Gubbels

    Incentive Pay Category For Cadets Joining The CF

      # [list=a] # cadets who have served a minimum of two years in the rank of warrant officer and above may be granted one year qualifying time in the rank of lieutenant for promotion to the rank of captain.     The above is from the first post.  I was curious, by the term warrant officer, if...
  20. WO2 Gubbels

    Pay for CIC pilots?

      I know when i have enough solo hours I would love to fly with cadets for famil flying :), i can't recall if it is 20 or 40 solo hours for a rented plane, eitherway i'm a little short. Gubbels