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  1. paffomaybe

    Top Gun 2

    I feel the need... the need for additional massive congressional funding and studies on the vertical takeoff system. F-35s finally land a combat role – in Hollywood http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/worldview/f-35s-finally-land-a-combat-role-in-hollywood/article2360165/ "The F-35...
  2. paffomaybe

    Wearing Uniform in Public (Cadets)

    Much more common in the States, which makes sense as the service makes up a larger proportion of the general population (though less so after the AVF became the norm).  Always endearing to see people at the airport saying things like "be careful" and "you take care, now" to a passing soldier in...
  3. paffomaybe

    Wearing Uniform in Public (Cadets)

    Wearing the uniform in public (in accordance with regs of course) is an important Public Affairs function (it ain't just for paffos anymore ;)).  How many times have members complained about a fundamental disconnect between the military with the rest of the pop?  A visible presence in public...
  4. paffomaybe

    Pvt. Danny Chen, 1992–2011

    He was 19 years old, a scrawny six-four, and wanted nothing more than to join the Army. Just like so many other young men. But very few from Chinatown. By Jennifer Gonnerman Published Jan 6, 2012 On the evening of October 3, 2011, Su Zhen Chen heard a knock at the door. In the hallway outside...
  5. paffomaybe

    Harry Morgan (Col Potter from M*A*S*H*) dies at 96

    I'll always remember his singing - whether it be on horseback, shaving or watching Sydney's pants burn in a bonfire...     "Keep the Home Fires Burning,     While your hearts are yearning.     Though your lads are far away     They dream of home.     There's a silver lining     Through the dark...
  6. paffomaybe

    Tea Party Wins

    Lengthy but well-written and insightful feature article.  Contention is that this has happened before, and that the Tea Party is starting to, and will eventually, mainstream...
  7. paffomaybe

    More Talk On Helping 'Wounded Warriors'- Article

    A good article (American perspective). http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/28/us/looking-after-the-soldier-back-home-and-damaged.html
  8. paffomaybe

    "Chinese-Canadians Reluctant to Join Military, Study Finds"

    http://www.ccmms.ca/ Always been there, always will be - despite stupid articles like these.
  9. paffomaybe

    What is the full infantry kit on regular combat operations?

    (Source:  Bob on the FOB:  http://www.facebook.com/bobonthefobcomics)
  10. paffomaybe

    Memorial Day 2011

    From Doctrine Man (http://www.facebook.com/DoctrineMan): http://www.lineofdeparture.com/2011/05/30/memorial-day-2011/ Memorial Day — 2011 By Michael Yon Monday, May 30th, 2011 9:34 am 29 May 2011 Ben Morton answered America’s call from Kansas.  He joined the Army and served in Korea, then...
  11. paffomaybe

    Captain Chuck Moor, 25 Fd Amb - 10-May-2011

    It is with great sadness to announce the passing of Captain Chuck Moor, 25 Fd Amb, 10-May-2011. The unit will be holding a Memorial Service. Date:  Thursday 19-May-2011 Location:  Moss Park Armoury, Toronto Timing:  1900hrs for a 1930hrs start Dress:  DEU with Ribbons; for those that do not have...
  12. paffomaybe

    Interesting series of articles in the National Post

    Illustrated beautifully... tells a story. http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/04/18/kandahar-journal-canadian-air-part-two/ http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/04/18/kandahar-journal-road-trip/ http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/04/20/kandahar-journal-like-a-regular-meeting-almost/...
  13. paffomaybe

    "What should Toronto’s slogan be?"

    "Toronto:  if you're tired of Toronto, you're tired of life."[1] [1] Suicide hotline can be reached at 416-555-LIFE.  No collect calls, please.
  14. paffomaybe

    Brad/Chelsea Manning: Charged w/AFG file leak, Cdn angles, disposition (merged)

    I know.  I meant mixing up the 4 friendly fire deaths in 2002 with the 4 in Panjwaii 2006.  Same number; mixed up dates, mixed up reasons.  Why attribute to malice something that could be explained by stupidity?  (Understanding that stupid malice is always a possibility.)
  15. paffomaybe

    Brad/Chelsea Manning: Charged w/AFG file leak, Cdn angles, disposition (merged)

    Perhaps the source of the story mixed up Tarnak Farms with the 2006 incident?  Wouldn't be the first time a civilian got military-related facts just plain wrong.
  16. paffomaybe

    Col Geoff Parker killed in VBIED attack Kabul, 18 May 10

    RIP Sir.  :cdn: http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=3041858 KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - A soldier killed in a suicide bombing in Kabul on Tuesday is the highest ranking Canadian to die in Afghanistan since Ottawa first committed troops in 2002. Col. Jeff Parker of the Royal...
  17. paffomaybe

    The Chinese Military Shovel WJQ-308. All Hail!

  18. paffomaybe

    Skygrabber: Iraq insurgents 'hack into video feeds from US drones'

    "Insurgents in Iraq have hacked into live video feeds from unmanned American drone aircraft, US media reports say. Shia fighters are said to have used off-the-shelf software programs such as SkyGrabber to capture the footage." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8419147.stm
  19. paffomaybe


    In the oven right now... Frito Pie Ingredients: 3 C Fritos corn chips ¾ C Onion, chopped 1 C Cheddar cheese, grated 2-½ C Chili (homemade, canned, leftover, whatever) Preheat oven to 350°F.  Spread 2 cups of Fritos in a baking dish. Sprinkle half the onion and half the cheese over the...