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  1. A

    I've got a question....for everyone

    If in the area I was living at the time, I would CERTAINLY take advantage of a boarding place for my two dogs with military discount rates. I do think it would be a bad idea to only advertise to CF members. BUT, it would be great to have a place where we could get a discount. There's a couple of...
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    Civillian Friends

    If these "friends" can't support you in a well-thought-out decision, are they really your friends? Just something to consider... And no, I wouldn't say joining up radically changes someone's personality. I think it can effect a greater level of maturity, eventually, which to the less mature...
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    Vibram FiveFingers

    During BMQ you will be wearing your Army-issued items unless you have a clearance from the medics not to wear boots. As for the physical exam, that's a question better asked of your recruiter.
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    Word association (just for fun)

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    Arty to inf, reserve

    I can't speak for any others, but I was *NOT* trying to impugn SuperTrooper's leadership skills, or anyone else's. No mention was made of his relationship with either his superior officers, or those he leads. You can do a decent job of leading while not being terribly excited. I'd say you need...
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    Arty to inf, reserve

    Well, you're the one that made it seem, in your post, that you were just bored and saw an OT as the only way out. You didn't indicate if you'd put some effort into making things better for yourself, aside from going for the OT. If you put in that effort, and it was rejected by your CoC, then I...
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    Arty to inf, reserve

    Agreed with Petard. ANYTHING in life is what you make of it. So, make your experience more interesting! Suggest changes, implement changes, etc. Without some sort of initiative, you're just going to get bored in whatever trade you OT into...
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    What's the food like on course? (BMQ, DP, ect...) [Merged]

    I'm REALLY surprised of the poor opinion of the IMP meals. I've had a few that my husband brought home, and I actually ENJOYED some of them. The omelet with salsa was quite good, and I think it was the beef stew(?) that was half decent as well. I've heard great things about IMPs, and TERRIBLE...
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    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    The best way to find out, a2thethLee, is to ask a recruiter...
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    Cheated on while at Basic

    I don't envy the situation your husband has put you in, Thrones. Your husband may nor may not want to do couples counselling when you are physically together again. In the meantime, going to counselling yourself is a VERY good idea. Depending on the age of your child(ren), and how much they...
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    Parochial Canada

    Living in Windsor, ON, and having grown up in the Thumb region of Michigan, I cross the border for shopping all the time. Prices are SIGNIFICANTLY higher in Ontario than they are in Michigan. Milk is around $2 / gallon. If I watch the sales, I can get boneless skinless chicken breasts for $1.77...
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    Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

    I'll say it nicely before someone else says it not so nicely 1) Go talk to a recruiter. No one on this board can tell you EXACTLY what the CFRC will tell you 2) Most trades are closed until next year at this point anyways, so you've likely got time to get things straightened out before getting...
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    The Military as a career change...?

    SO MUCH of this depends on what trade you want to get into. Best thing to do is go down to your CFRC and talk to them about it, and use the search engine on this site, extensively. That being said, my husband just went from PRes to RegF this summer. He's in Ottawa now, while I'm in Windsor with...
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    Home Equity Assistance & "Military Families Pushed to Financial Ruin" (Merge)

    That theory may work fine for you, and for me, as well, but it's simply not compatible with some people's way of life, religion, morals, etc. I've seen many families live well, with many kids, on a relatively small income.  What I think it comes down to is that the CF should be providing...
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    Home Equity Assistance & "Military Families Pushed to Financial Ruin" (Merge)

    What you call "family planning" doesn't always fit with the morals or religious compulsions of a CF Member, however. Are you saying that someone shouldn't join the forces and serve their country simply because they want a large family? Essentially, I don't think you know enough about that...
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    Diabetics in the CF

    lindhout - I'm glad your diabetes is apparently so easily manageable. But for many others, it simply isn't.  I'm not sure if you are male, or female - but I also know for many women, hormonal issues can make diabetes hard to manage. For many (male, or female), stress makes it hard to manage. It...
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    Diabetics in the CF

    lindhout - I think you're over-reacting. I have Type II diabetes, and know several Type I diabetics. While every case of diabetes is individual, being a diabetic in the military would be VERY hard to manage. I think your knowledge of diabetes is lacking, personally. While yes, for a Type II...
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    Posting Policy-Restricted (IR) & Prohibited moves [MERGED]

    Selc's wife writing again (I'm at the computer more, and actually remembered to log in with my own account this time!) The course is a 2 year course. We finally got in touch with the CWO he'll be reporting to today, and at least he doesn't have to be there until a week from today. We're still...
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    Why won't the recruitment centres answer the phone?

    2010Newbie - why did you go to CFRC Toronto? There's a CFRC detachment in Windsor, too... Agreed that in-person is the way to do it....
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    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    My husband has a shellfish allergy. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to affect him if he's near shellfish, but it will result in anaphylaxis if he eats any, and he gets a mild rash from iodine solution. However, he is about to join the Reg Force. I'm sure he has disclosed his condition many times...