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  1. x-zipperhead

    The Evil Mother Teresa

    Is this thread for real?  ???
  2. x-zipperhead

    Christmas is coming, post gift ideas here.

    Funny, I got my wife a kitchen aid mixer last year using exactly this logic.  I mean this was the Binford 2000 of kitchen mixers.  Trust me it is still considered a kitchen appliance.  Be very careful in this area.  It didn't go over well for me. ;D
  3. x-zipperhead

    Private Healthcare comes to BC

    When did that happen and who was it?  I've never heard about that.  I'd be curious to know how that would be explained to be justified. I agree with you that there is something fundamentally wrong with not allowing an ill person to seek out the care they need, using there own means, if the...
  4. x-zipperhead

    What would keep you in the army?

    WTF?  I agree the pdr/per system is not perfect but if somebody is not directly employed ( immediate supervisor ) with you,  how in the H*** can they assess your performance? I believe this is done already through signing bonuses for skilled applicants ( college, technical trades, etc )...
  5. x-zipperhead

    Why Can't Softwoods Be Resolved ?

    Very well said.  This is quite simple.  When both countries sighned this treaty they agreed to have their differences settled by the NAFTA panel, not the WTO or any other organization.  How Canada manages it's forestry is Canada's business.  The US is not living up to it's end of the agreement. ...
  6. x-zipperhead

    The secret Mulroney Tapes

    I never was a huge fan of his but I have to say it was a very good documentary.  I also came away respecting him a little more.  I didn't necesarilly agree with all the things he did, but I will say he was a leader.  He did what he thought was best for the country as opposed to blowing with the...
  7. x-zipperhead

    Private Healthcare comes to BC

    http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/11/22/private-clinic20041122.html http://www.copemanhealthcare.com/costs.htm There is no doubt that this clinic will provide a different level of care.  Should someone be able to buy better access while still having the public system pick up the...
  8. x-zipperhead

    Announcements & Decisions on Tactical & Stratigic Airlift (Fall 2005 and 2006)

    Wow, that is a step in the right direction.  I wonder if the coming change of management in parliament could see the rug pulled out from under this a la EH 101 in '93.  Until they are sitting on the ramp in Trenton I won't hold my breath.  Still it seems like things are looking up!
  9. x-zipperhead

    Winter Election?

    I don't think you can call yourself a social moderate and just ignore the gay marriage fiasco.  This conservative created social crisis didn't help them win the hearts of Ontario. National childcare - I can relate given that I am military and my wife stays home.  A tax credit? great so I'll...
  10. x-zipperhead

    Winter Election?

    Yeah, old smiling Jack is just loving his role in the way this has all played out.  After years of no NDP influence in parliament he finds himself in the rare position sharing the balance of power.  He will prop up this government to hold on to this balance.  That's why IMO he is a little less...
  11. x-zipperhead

    Winter Election?

    Look at the latest polls.  The liberals and conservatives are neck and neck both hovering around the 30% range.  You would think that with this kind of bad press, the conservatives would have a much larger lead, but they don't.  So what's the rush to an election? ( besides Harper trying to...
  12. x-zipperhead

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    I'm curious, if you feel people are stupid or lazy ( I'm not sure which it was you were implying ) for living in PMQ's, why is it you lived in one for two years? I spent 8 years in Pet.  2 in single qtrs, 2 in Q's and 4 in my own house.  I left Pet in 03 and it seems to me you are greatly...
  13. x-zipperhead

    International Actions of Nationalism

    That's what I thought, but wasn't sure.  Thanks for the clarity I agree entirely.  It is quite reasonable.  I don't think they should be expected to abandon all of their culture, traditions, etc ( not that I think that is what you're suggesting ) but they should learn and adopt those of their...
  14. x-zipperhead

    International Actions of Nationalism

    There that's what I meant ;D
  15. x-zipperhead

    International Actions of Nationalism

    Very interesting article.  I can see were they are coming from but it does seem to be a fear based response. I thik it will do more to alienate the muslim world and give more fodder to the terrorist organizations that recruit and manipulate young minds.  I can't help but think the security...
  16. x-zipperhead

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Ok Sorry, I didn't realize we were only talking about the legal aspect here. Ok
  17. x-zipperhead

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    I never knew what Godwin's Law was.  After looking it up, your right, that was poor form.  I apologize if I offended anyone.  I could make any other allegory using say an Iraqi soldier but I think you got the point any way.  You are equating his legal obligation with his morals.  I have to...
  18. x-zipperhead

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Just because you've signed the dotted line doesn't mean you've sold your soul.  Legally, yes he has an obligation.  But in calling him a coward you are calling his morals and ethics into question.  It is a fine line between what one person calls a moral coward or another calls a moral hero. ...
  19. x-zipperhead

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    Okay, starting to see that in this guys case maybe the shoe fits.    I imagine though that any conscientious objector would be viewed as a coward by the rest of the platoon regardless of the legitimacy or illegitimacy of his stance.  Especially in a combat situation. You probably are quite...