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  1. MP_Bound

    Sworn in date Aug,24 2010.

    I got my offer for crewman early in April too, but I leave July 24th, and I swear in June 29th in Oshawa, ON. I got lucky I guess
  2. MP_Bound

    Light Asthma and CF ?!

    I have asthma and I declared it during my medical, all I had to do was submit a form from my doctor declaring my asthma not a operational risk, and the fine people at the CF declared me medically fit. If you have been turned away, I am sure there is more to it than "light asthma"
  3. MP_Bound

    July 2010 BMQ

    Im leaving from peterborough...going for armoured... you takin a train?
  4. MP_Bound

    "Ontario highway 'toll booth' peaceful: OPP"

    All my posts are in yellow, and important information pertaining to the particular quote is in red. According to the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario the part that governs tolls in the Province of Ontario is as follows: PART X.1 TOLL HIGHWAYS Definitions, Part X.1 191.1  In this Part...
  5. MP_Bound

    August 2010 BMQ

    http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/cfc-ecc/rv-iv/index-eng.asp little search function would have helped too.
  6. MP_Bound

    Offer Being Retracted

    I may have known that I was expecting a call in June, but when I hear other recruits had their swearing in ceremony the day the accepted the offer, and have been mailed/emailed their joining instructions, and I haven't, of course I was nervous, and I looked to the forums to help me quell my...
  7. MP_Bound

    Offer Being Retracted

    I spoke to the recruiting centre today, and my file states that I have accepted an offer for Crewman(no surprise there) but what I was curious about is why it doesn't say my BMQ date on my file. When I accepted the offer back in April, I was told it was July 26th course date. I asked the Cpl on...
  8. MP_Bound

    Offer Being Retracted

    My file manager didn't assign my soldier potential score, he just told me what it was on my file. And I totally forget who conducted my interview, I have just been dealing with my file manager to get information about my file. I was just curious why I haven't heard anything about when my...
  9. MP_Bound

    Offer Being Retracted

    I am going on what had been said to me, so if it isn't true that is ok. I was interviewed for MP, Armoured, and Boatswain, and deemed suitable for all trades by the person that interviewed me. MP, from my understanding, is a tricky trade because you need to complete MPAC before being merit...
  10. MP_Bound

    Offer Being Retracted

    Im curious why I was offered Infantry if I didn't list it as a choice when filing my application and wasn't asked any questions regarding Infantry during my interview? And when I spoke to the recruiting centre, my soldier potential score was 60/90 for MP, and something like 54 for Armoured. I...
  11. MP_Bound

    Offer Being Retracted

    Hey everyone, I looked through the search function, and couldn't find an answer to my question. I was curious if anyone has heard of the CF retracting an offer made to someone. My file manager is a coach at my college, and I saw him during an award night on March 29, 2010, and as we were...
  12. MP_Bound

    Room and board while at BMQ

    :o my mistake, i mis read comment withdrawn
  13. MP_Bound

    July 2010 BMQ

    i will see ya there redman, i start july 26th for armoured....
  14. MP_Bound

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    i got my offer in the 2nd week of april, and got loaded onto the course july 26th....and i was told courses were loading for september! so its the luck of the draw
  15. MP_Bound

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    april? thats a long time to wait...are you sure of that one?
  16. MP_Bound

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Hey congrats Looks like I will be joining you on your BMQ, I am set to arrive at the mega on July 24th as well for the July 26th course start date. See you then!
  17. MP_Bound

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    i just figured you would have a lil more respect for the military you are about to join by referring to training in the proper manner, stop deflecting and admit your mistake, something it appears you will have to learn from scratch when you get to basic :salute:
  18. MP_Bound

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Please don't call Basic Military Qualification 'boot camp' that is an American term, something you should know considering. Just in case you forgot what country you were from, here's the flag :cdn: Can you guess what Country it is...I will give you a hint, starts with a "C"
  19. MP_Bound

    July 2010 BMQ

    im going july 26th...armoured solider army
  20. MP_Bound

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    I got the offer April 7th and was loaded onto the July 26th BMQ. I just weighed the pros and cons of the decision, whether it was worth waiting for a maybe....or taking an offer now and transferring once im in. I obviously decided it would be best to go now and try to transfer later. I cant...