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Search results

  1. kratz

    Survey: Volunteers and the Canadian Humanitarian Workforce program.

    Members have been offering their opinions and knowledge around a dozen topics involving natural hazard events in Canada. The forum's collective insights focus on the impacts on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and have explored new ways to solve some of the problems these hazards cause. With your...
  2. kratz

    NATO is trendy in 2024.

    I never thought that I would be reading this in Forbes magazine, "A NATO approach can empower an individual to nurture and create a life they love outside of their romantic life." 😅🤣
  3. kratz

    Queen's Platinum Jubilee

    The start of a year celebrating and acknowledging 70 years of dedication and the service of HRM Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada and the Commonwealth. Thank you for your service. Queen Elizabeth II supports Camilla as 'Queen Consort' when Charles is king, Globalnews.ca Queen's dog steals...
  4. kratz

    MOVED: New Tac Vest

    This topic has been moved due to Site Policy: https://army.ca/forums/threads/99046.0.html
  5. kratz

    Caregiver Recognition Benefit [CRB ]

    Reference: VAC1540e (2018-07) Has anyone applied for Caregiver Recognition Benefit  [CRB ] and been approved, since the PFL? Thank you.
  6. kratz

    Controversial vehicle - upsets residents

    ref: CBC.ca This is what happens when we are reduced to being seen in our community at their pleasure / comfort.
  7. kratz

    PaCE : Performance Appraisal and Competency system

    Reference: The old PER discussions are archived here Attached is a summary of the PaCE briefing for the updated evaluation system.
  8. kratz

    Full G&B article: Canada's new far right.

    Globe and Mail.com Note: 14 pages long part 1 of 3 posts. Military Current Affairs & News Merge with  130277 G&M article: Canada’s new far right https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-canadas-new-far-right-a-trove-of-private-chat-room-messages-reveals/ Canada’s new far right: A...
  9. kratz

    R.I.P. Luke Perry - March 4, 2019

    Source: CTV.ca 52 y/o is not old. He was fit and active.
  10. kratz

    SCAN seminars

    Attached is the upcoming SCAN seminar in Halifax. As noted, anyone considering release within 5 years is encouraged to attend.
  11. kratz

    Engine room fire onboard HMCS HALIFAX

    Ref: Engine room fire onboard HMCS HALIFAX BZ to the crew and RRT for their actions.
  12. kratz

    Halifax Briefing: Oct 31, 2018 - New changes Pension for Life

    This post will be merged with the PFL discussion, after Oct 31st. JPSU Halifax sent this message out to members facing a medical release, on or after the new PFL April 1, 2019. It may be worth attending to decide if you want to release early for certain benefits, based on your personal...
  13. kratz

    VAC Area Director abuses position

    Reference: The Chronicle Herald These situations do not assist Veterans in having any faith with VAC or building any trust in the system.
  14. kratz

    Canadian Gasoline prices

    Moving forward IAW the new policy. We are all affected by current gas prices. Drivers see price changes almost daily, and public transit riders see the changes a bit later. For those truly self motivated, the effect of higher gas prices affects all of us through the cost of transporting...
  15. kratz

    MOVED: Refusing his/her release

    This topic has been moved to Military Administration. https://Navy.ca/forums/threads/127508.0
  16. kratz

    Hon. Capt (N) Sonja Bata - Feb 20, 2018

    reference:  CTV.ca I met her at the Hand's Christmas Dinner, in Toronto. Smart, funny and very approachable. She was an excellent ambassador for the RCN and will be missed.
  17. kratz

    Federal Tax reform

    I'm surprised to hear so little about how this affects us. Near the end of most long careers, many of us are well positioned to start new careers, small businesses, employment ect... Ottawa's proposed tax changes will adversely affect enterprising individuals who have earned their success...
  18. kratz

    MOVED: MARS Officer in the CF vs Navigation Officer in the CCG

    This topic has been moved to Security and Emergency Services. http://Navy.ca/forums/threads/125875.0
  19. kratz

    MOVED: Self Sex while living in shacks?

    This topic has been moved to Radio Chatter.
  20. kratz

    Popular Uniform topics

    The following threads are useful topics regarding Uniforms. If the site search function does not work, using one of these search term in Google will often offer better results: "site:navy.ca [insert topic]",    "site:army.ca [insert topic]",    "site:air-force.ca [insert topic]",  or   ...