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  1. makarow_16

    From Sapper to NCIOP

    greetings everyone, i recently transferred to navres from the militia as an NCIOP, i know i have to do reg force in borden but can anyone tell me about NETP and the NCIOP course? for example where are they held how long are they and what is taught on those courses? Cheers! OS Makarow
  2. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    I'm leaving for my BMQ later this evening, I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me about stuff I wasn't too sure about. You've been very helpful and I really appreciate it, Have a nice week everyone :salute: Cheers
  3. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    what kind of horror stories? like giving you extra duty or worse?
  4. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    Regarding life at Laval; What can I expect in the way of food? Is it downright disgusting or is that just another urban legend about army food?
  5. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    Would it be wise to bring 2 shaving kits and 2 cleaning kits to BMQ? (One for inspection and one for use)
  6. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    Would that be the kind of info my route letter will have? I haven't received it yet.
  7. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    On a different topic at what time do you have to show up on the first day?
  8. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    Actually I'm with 3 field engineer regiment
  9. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    what language is it in? I can speak french well enough but add the stress of training and im not sure i could keep it up is there like an english group or something?
  10. makarow_16

    BMQ in Laval

    Hiya, did anybody here do their BMQ in Laval? I'm going there on the 4th of july and I want to know what to expect :cdn: