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  1. Lilspark

    What is the process for compassionate flights and leave

    Thank you all for the advice, I'm going to make some contact tomorrow with the different options presented and see what we can do. I really want to get him home while his father is still here as I think he'd really regret waiting for the ... I want him to see him before the cancer takes over...
  2. Lilspark

    What is the process for compassionate flights and leave

    We are posted in Edmonton (posted here from Nova Scotia) my husband's father was just diagnosed with terminal lymphatic cancer and has 2 months or less  :'(. What is the process to apply to take a military flight home on compassionate grounds and how does my hubby apply for this type of leave? I...
  3. Lilspark

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    We were posted here in September, but didn't move into our Q until November, so we had to live in a hotel until the Q we had signed for became available. From what I heard around base is that the waiting list is 2 years and there are over 70 families waiting for a Q. We were thinking of buying...
  4. Lilspark


      Interesting thread, I have very lucid dreams, it's weird, if I concentrate on something before falling asleep while laying there, frequently I will dream about it. I remember a lot of my dreams, but not in detail. Mine too could be blockbuster movies because the subject matter and the way they...
  5. Lilspark

    Employment Opportunities For Spouses- Merged

      I was worried about having to look for employment when we got posted as well. I had been with the same company in New Brunswick for so many years, fortunately I ended up being able to transfer to another position within the same company (however they made me resign so they could rehire me...
  6. Lilspark

    Edmonton Thread- Merged

    We were just posted to Edmonton in October, the only affordable option for us right now is the q's. Coming from New Brunswick were in sticker shock too. Hopefully that pld 3 year rolling average will roll around sooner rather than later.
  7. Lilspark

    spouse is posted, when can I leave my current job and be eligible for ei?

    My dh is currently on course, we've got a posting for Edmonton AB, currently posted at Gagetown. At what point am I able to leave my current job and be eligible for ei, to prepare for the move?? I have been fulltime over 5 years with the same company.
  8. Lilspark

    Requirements for females in the fitness test

    Thanks for the info, I'm a petite person and I already do full body weight workouts at the gym on base gagetown, one other worry is the ruck sack- if I would ever have to carry one in what ever position I would go for, I only weigh 100 pounds and I know those things can be 50. I do bench...
  9. Lilspark

    Requirements for females in the fitness test

    Hi, my fiance has been in the army for 10 years and I've strongly been considering joining, however i'm not sure how well I would do on the fitness portion or if it's different for women. Currently I can run a half marathon (21k) and do 50-75 situps  ::), not so great at pushups and not sure how...