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  1. infantrygf

    Meaford Thread- Merged

    Thanks for the number.   -Sarah
  2. infantrygf

    Meaford Thread- Merged

      If there is a serious emergency at home, is there any emergency numbers to call the meaford base with to get in contact with someone in training there?
  3. infantrygf

    Allien abductions

      They did a study on people who say they have been abducted on several occasions. It turns out that most people who are abducted have relay experienced a waking dream, which is when you wake up inside your dream and it seems so real. You can smell and do everything you would be able to do in...
  4. infantrygf

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    I am hoping to join the Toronto Scottish regiment out of fort York, they are an infantry devision. I've always liked the idea of getting run around in the muck and play with guns  >:D. I didn't worry to much about the dyslexia problem because by bf recently told me their is a corporal, Sargent...
  5. infantrygf

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    Thanks, now all I have to do is find a doctor lol, that shouldn't be to hard my bf has one that he likes. I'm good at being hard on myself, and mom isn't going to find out till I pass basic that way if I don't get in she cant say I told you so, or they'll kick you out. I'm OK for highschool...
  6. infantrygf

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    As for the guy who said something wrong I know he has a history of naughtiness but weather or not he is, is not what this subject is about.  I don't care what he said, and wheather or not he gets a warning or whatever is up to the people in carge of this site.  I have not been diagnosed with...
  7. infantrygf

    How do the families cope during a tour? Tips and pointers for first timers.

      It is relay hard when my bf goes away for training, especially now that he is doing field stuff and has no phone or access to anything, I don't know for how long.  Writing letters is a great help in getting us both through the week. I write them to vent my day and reminding him how much i...
  8. infantrygf

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

      Its relay OK, I didn't see any of the replies until now, I was out all weekend with my bf who had the weekend off form BIQ. I asked him my question but he wasn't relay sure, so I thought I'd ask some more experienced people or hope fully just find someone who knows a it more about the proses...
  9. infantrygf

    The Medical - medications that CAF will NOT accept

      I know you wont be accepted into the military if you are on any sort of medications that are to do with mental health care, such as riddlin, or antidepressants. They wont like you either if you are on any type of medication for asthma. My friends bother was denied entry because of these...
  10. infantrygf

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    Thanks guys, I guess I relay have nothing to worry about then because out of all the people my mother took me to see non of them could say anything was wrong with me. as for who deemed me crazy my parents did, when the schools found out I had been dragged form psychobabble to psychobabble they...
  11. infantrygf

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    Thanks, I'm hoping that because haven't done anyting serious I'll be fine. As for being a naughty boy when I was younger LOL I'm a girl. I don't take any medication but because I have a history of psychological evaluations thats what worries me the most.       Sarah
  12. infantrygf

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    I have been wanting to join the army ever since I was a little kid, now that I have moved out on my own I can.  But I am worried about the back ground check and the army doesn't exactly like anyone with problems. I have not been arrested for anything but I know I'm in a few police reports. One...
  13. infantrygf

    Meaford Thread- Merged

    My Taras did come home for both weekends, he didn't call because they were running him into the ground for the first few days.  Now he calls me every day, sometimes twice, depending on how much time he has between classes or after dismissal. No he's not cheating, he doesn't have time to, or any...
  14. infantrygf

    Meaford Thread- Merged

        Hi, my boy friend is doing his BMQ/SQ training in Meaford, I was wondering if anyone knows how i can contact him, either by phone or letters.  I do not have an address to send them to, or a phone number I can get a hold of him with. He has been gone since the 17th and I haven't heard form...