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  1. WCST

    Canadian soldiers 'prepared to kill'

    Look, YOU took my quote out of context. I was quite aware of what I wrote - I was commenting on ONE LINE, not the whole thing. ETA: I was actually upset about the POLITICIAN, not the military guy. For him to say, "he's my man..." makes the Comd sound like a political hack, not someone in...
  2. WCST

    Iraq attack kills two UK soldiers

    You know, this just makes me so sad and confused and angry. I can understand killing soldiers - that's what we signed up for. We're in the uniforms so we're targets. That's understood. Sad, true, but it's part of the risk in the job. But civilians? Just people standing around buying stuff to...
  3. WCST

    Canadian soldiers 'prepared to kill'

    It says he's 'imminently prepared'. Nothing about knowledge. Just that he read up. Big whoop. 'Tacticly astutute'. Yeah, so what? What's his previous skill? I was quite aware of what part I quoted. It still makes me cringe when I read stuff that's been 'dumbed down' for the civies. M :brickwall:
  4. WCST

    Canadian soldiers 'prepared to kill'

    "David Fraser is my man," he said. "He's got good charisma and the troops like him." Gee, that's a good recommendation for the job, eh? Charisma and likeability... whatever happened to knowledge and leadership? M :brickwall:
  5. WCST

    Rarest piece of kit I've ever seen

    Guy, I'm pregnant and a little hormonal now, so I'll try to be polite. Women don't become HUGE the second they become pregnant. It takes a while to 'show' if you will. During that time, the only two choices we have are the dress of the day, or the tents they issue us. A lot of women would...
  6. WCST

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    Did you know that Royal Roads has a 2 year BComm course you can do? I think that'll look better on your application than Camosun. Something to think about at any rate. As for the transferability of the courses, definately talk to RMC about it. M :brickwall:
  7. WCST

    I don't want to get blown up: Any problems with that?

    Zook, you know you have more chance of being blown up as an Armd Offr than as a Mars Offr, right? The only bad thing about Mars is there's a bazillion of them out there and the training course eats your soul. Other than that, meh, nothing to it ;). I really think you need to do what's right for...
  8. WCST

    HMCS Chicoutimi {MERGED}

    From technical types it is. The guys who work on the Vic are just estatic to be ON a sub. Nevermind they're not sailing her. Just repairs and fixing and climbing scaffolding. It's so frustrating for them. M :brickwall:
  9. WCST

    Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat

    At least their kids will never need sweaters. Is his wife's name Beeeeeeetty? M :brickwall:
  10. WCST

    Liberal Party Minister Defects to Tories

    Don't mix up Federal and Provincial politics. They have nothing to do with each other in BC. If Emerson ran for the Liberals and was voted in as a Liberal, then he should have STAYED a Liberal or resigned. Crossing the floor to get a cabinet post is underhanded. He won't get re-elected in his...
  11. WCST

    Victoria contaminated by lead....

    Clicky: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/39941.new.html#new M :brickwall:
  12. WCST

    This is okay but cartoons are not?

    I'm in love with Bo, actually  ;D. M :brickwall:
  13. WCST

    HMCS Chicoutimi {MERGED}

    That would be great if we only had 1 coast to defend. Without getting into Arctic Soveriegnty (sp), one on each coast would be ideal. It's the same song as the 280's - we had 4, they worked or didn't as the case may be, then they spend millions of dollars on a communications platform for one...
  14. WCST

    This is okay but cartoons are not?

    Bruce, I wasn't commenting on your post, just the original one. M :brickwall:
  15. WCST

    This is okay but cartoons are not?

    The difference? Last I knew, over 30 million people weren't praying to the General Lee or a HumVee on prayer mats over 3 times a day. Get real. M :brickwall:
  16. WCST

    HMCS Chicoutimi {MERGED}

    First off, if you buy a lemon, expect lemonade. The lead they found was no big deal. It's not like the tables are made out of lead or anything. They're OLD subs, and with old equipment comes cross-contamination from years of going from point A to point B without washing hands. What I can't...
  17. WCST

    Question of the Hour

    I could only find three: The Battle of Zama left Carthage helpless, and the city accepted Scipio's peace terms whereby it ceded Spain to Rome, surrendered most of its warships, and began paying a 50-year indemnity to Rome. Scipio was awarded the cognomen Africanus in tribute of his victory...
  18. WCST

    Tee Shirt Mottos

    I have one from a long time ago. On the front it says     RN Royal Navy And on the back it has a map of the Falkland Islands and says Falkland Island War Games '82           First Place I have a lot of funny tee shirts. M :brickwall:
  19. WCST

    Subsidizing Education

    There are some very good points being made here. I think people are forgetting some things that have changed since the 60's - class sizes have doubled so our teachers are now wrangling classes of 30+ kids. Back in the middle of the 20th century, classes were smaller, teachers had more...
  20. WCST

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Yeah, sorry Geo. I misread your post. M :brickwall: