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  1. tank recce

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    You'd be amazed what some windex and crumpled-up newspaper can accomplish...
  2. tank recce

    Tory minority in jeopardy as opposition talks coalition. Will there be another election?

    And now for a "Tin Foil Hats and Black Helicopters" moment... Who are the people currently pushing hardest for this coalition?  ??? Jack Layton, NDP Bob Rae, NDP (let's not kid ourselves) Ken Lewenza, CAW leader and NDP banker. It has been established that the coalition was proposed if...
  3. tank recce

    Tory minority in jeopardy as opposition talks coalition. Will there be another election?

    Am I the only one who finds this a combination of hilarious, baffling, and infuriating? This man is in the process of attempting to circumvent the legitimacy of the elected Parliament. I'm shaking the bones and burning incense, hoping Her Excellency will call them both before her for a short...
  4. tank recce

    BZ to Air Canada, Flt 157 YYZ-YEG 11/11

    Not sure if it's a hijack - I'm replying to a comment in your post, if not the main thrust of your message.  :blotto: A bunch of us discussed this a while back, shaking our heads at the notion that a Reservist with 3 years in qualifies for a Veteran's license plate.  ::) I have just started...
  5. tank recce

    Res Force Pay

    Ahh, but our Squadrons - being sub-units of the Regiment - don't have Orderly Rooms. We have RORs, not SORs.  ;)
  6. tank recce

    Sacrifice Medal Mega Thread

    Waayy up at reply #15, Dataperson quoted the Canforgen discussing this award: I read this as Deliberate-yet-mistaken Blue-on-Blue - whether an overeager troop bounds in front of his own fireteam partner and gets hit, or - as in RHFC_Piper's case - friendlies get hit by other friendlies who...
  7. tank recce

    Wet Weather Combat Boots: Use, Maintenance & Other Stuff.

    Combined with a set of $12 Canadian Tire ice cleats, they are in fact the cat's a$$ for walking the dog in a slush 'n' ice lubricated park... (Don't laugh - I've worn the cleats on ex, on a SA range, and on a Cougar pad. They do suck though for getting in and out of vehs, and for...
  8. tank recce

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    ... and one wonders why one's regiment has such issues getting the troops out for parades and ftx's. (Hey, 1 out of 7 isn't bad!) :brickwall:
  9. tank recce

    CBC News Story about Discipline Problems in the CF

    Hell, even we did the hatless shuffle. There were a few of us who used to rotate on a regular basis - march in, march out, trade hats, march back in again. "Why are you two in front of me AGAIN?!" "It's Tuesday, sir."  ;D Things have gotten silly the other way - I've been told in no uncertain...
  10. tank recce

    Does the CF use Cooling Vests?

    Straight water heat transfer isn't actually that bad; the biggest problem with car engine heat transfer is the surface tension of the water keeping it out of the surface irregularities that are part of any commercially-produced metal surface, effectively reducing your heat transfer area by an...
  11. tank recce

    white supremacist Mother has children taken away....

    "You see? Even their language is biased - "HUMAN rights..." (sorry, wrong thread - belongs over in Movie Quotes)  ;D
  12. tank recce

    Close Area Suppression Weapon (was Company Area Suppression Weapon)

    The original GWagon 8-car recce troop loadout was 4x GPMG, 2x ATGM, 2x AGL. So. 2 per RegInf coy, + 2 per ResArmd tp = ... ?  ;D (Yes, I'm being completely facetious. We can barely get AMUs for these things. I really can't see a full-FCS DF/IF weapon going in.)  ::)
  13. tank recce

    Anyone need a baby, cheap? Some BONEHEAD put their baby up for sale on Ebay

    "Keep that up, and we're trading you for beer!" - standard threat frustrated-parent noise, uttered towards our 2yo daughter. Lock us up - please! We could use the peace and quiet...
  14. tank recce

    120mm Canister Round

    We sure did. Usually fired two rounds per year at gun camp (total for the year, not per gunner!) as a demo. Never really hit anything...  ::) Not sure if it was true, but we were always told was that it was too short-ranged for an offensive weapon, but at 100yds the spread would cover another...
  15. tank recce

    Chevrons, do we flip them with a King?

    If I'm not mistaken, the US wore their chevrons point-down until 1902, long after the revolution(s?).
  16. tank recce

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Isn't that the heart of the argument part of this discussion - that the EXISTING troops will get upset about losing "their" capbadge, and wearing the same badge as "that" unit? (I do agree that Norman Newguy fresh off the street won't know or understand what the fuss is about) Right or wrong...
  17. tank recce

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    I'm not sure you can compare the members of either of these units - elite organisations formed of high-quality volunteers - with your typical weekend warrior. Plus, the morale and motivation of an individual who chose (and possibly kicked, screamed, and fought) to join a unit he REALLY wanted to...
  18. tank recce

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    The issue for some of us is neither bottles of beer nor boxes, but the number of coasters upon which to rest your beer. If we have problems getting sufficent (serviceable) vehicles for an 8-car troop, then combining us and the various other jeep-jockeys into the GTA into A/B/C/D Sqn 2 RARR...
  19. tank recce

    Taliban can't be defeated by troops: Layton

    The man said, "Troops ALONE cannot defeat the Taliban, but without them nothing else can." Ummm... I think you're actually agreeing with each other - combat troops won't directly end the mess in Afghanistan. That said, without combat troops, the rebuilders can't accomplish anything.
  20. tank recce

    Troops on standby after ice storm in P.E.I.

    I dunno, they're calling for 20 whole cm tomorrow - we'll need track ambs, and ARVs to pull the fire trucks and street cars along...  ::)