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Search results

  1. FateumetMeum

    Recruit Loses 230lbs to Enlist in the US Army.

    UNFLIPPIN believable! Great story, and with the motivation and dedication the soldier arrays his entire platoon would be energized. Medic's ROCK! WHOAA ... PS he is still equalivalent to two US soldiers. He should have came North. Mike the maritime medic
  2. FateumetMeum

    Sworn in, summer course Confirmed: After a Long Delay

    Congrats, We share the same enthusiasm, maybe even "honest history" however, enjoy it and reap the rewards. Mike the maritime medic. PS: keep those dog tags outta "Super Sex".
  3. FateumetMeum

    Anyone know posting ??

    I have a wife and I will be travelling solo to Borden for QL3 training as per my entry plan. But will receive a seperation allowance while training. In December when I'm finished, my posting will be decided. My question is ... Does having a wife back home help in the odds of getting a post...
  4. FateumetMeum

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    Bankruptcy is a positive move towards getting your credit standing back. The CF doesn't want creditors calling your work, as you can generally understand why. So if you declare bankruptcy your creditors are in a way takin care of as long as you understand that once in the forces your personal...
  5. FateumetMeum

    Got my Call (to the Reserves)!

    Your goin to Meaford in the summer is a very big deal. Hope to God your not there for a winter. Lake effect snow will soon be a regular conversation back home with your buds. Have fun though, Owen Sound will wear you down....haha you'll understand. Meaford in general is a new facility, nice...
  6. FateumetMeum

    Semi skilled review wait worth every month

    Long wait paid off for semi skilled entry. It took almost 11 months for application processing, semi skilled review board and finally my entry plan offer, but I AM IN! Wanted to post a thanks for all who helped answer my sometimes repetitive and lengthy question concerning the review board and...
  7. FateumetMeum

    Soldier Qualification Course (Questions & Answers)

    Would like the low down on the "new" divisional training SQ school. It wasnt implemented when I went through St.Jean and I was wondering what the deal is? I will be going element ARMY as a med tech and from what I have heard about SQ the element matters. Where are these schools? How long is the...
  8. FateumetMeum

    Semi Skilled HELP PLEASE

    G'day .... Just facing a lil anxiety due to overwhelming recruits at the CF's recruiting offices. Trying to get a hold of anyone to answer my application questions is frustrating to say the least. Quite a hike to get in there personally too. I would really like to know what the review board...
  9. FateumetMeum

    Pass Medical with a torn ACL?

    I'm a medic not in CF yet but finished app process and waiting for offer. Worked for semi pro hockey team and have experienced ACL injuries before. Torn ACL is a big deal, however your physio is a bigger one! You should be doing specific strengthening for your injury. The military will take your...
  10. FateumetMeum

    Got my offer today

    Right on Zach!! Glad to hear. I don't know you but I can tell your motivation will lead to you becoming a gret pilot in the forces. I am at present in the waiting game as you called it, not for pilot though. A paramedic actually, but just as motivated and eager as your post sounded. Just given...
  11. FateumetMeum

    Ottawa soap box rave party...host Commander-in-Chief

    Why would our Prime Minister hold a debate over something he feels so adiment about. "Our countries contribution to the United Nations restructuring of Afghanistan." If you increase a force size and allow for a greater budget to aid in international commitments, what the hell is a debate going...
  12. FateumetMeum

    A Black Mark

    Dishonourable discharge and jail time is the only thing a Canadian "soldier" should be given if admittingly viewing,using,selling or anything involving child pornography. Give me a GOD DAMN BREAK, telling us his military history and his dedication....he through that in the shitter when he stuck...
  13. FateumetMeum

    The Sleep Superthread- Apnea/ Disorders/ etc.

    wook, as per the med docs....yes you will definetly have it listed as per a medical request. Like having to get tylenol for arthristis. you have a breathing problem, sleep apnea is serious enough to distinguish you from all that don't require one. in the feild you are a hazard, sorry dude, but...
  14. FateumetMeum

    Cornwallis Vs. St Jean

    In St Jean in 97.....a joke. The only thing I found "hard" was putting up with the french instructions. Good curse dictionary though. CORNWALLIS....HELL My uncle has a picture his buddies took of him after having a barrack box thrown at him. Broken nose and still finished basic. St Jean was...
  15. FateumetMeum

    First Canadian killed in gun battle since Korea????

    Our national news (CTV) announced that the last soldier that perished in a gun battle in Afghanistan was the first soldier killed IN BATTLE since the Korean war.  Is this correct?? I am sure the JTF-2 boys would have somethin to say about that. What about the vets of Vietnam that didn't come...
  16. FateumetMeum

    Why are these freaks allowed to wear the uniform?

    Glad you said something. 5 years ago the member had to swear to do such a thing in order to get that paycheck. But to be honest I don't want him on my 6 anywhere, he should be reported as a danger to his platoon and his country. Held back for pysch evaluation and spit home wrapped in his 5 year...
  17. FateumetMeum

    Any paramedics out there?

    Thirsty for med tech training info. Getting ready to jump into the fold and was looking for advice or warnings alike. Anyone who finished the Dept of Justice course in BC, I would love to talk to. Anyone posted to the field ambulance units... ??? Thanks again, Mike
  18. FateumetMeum

    Told my med tech offer will be coming but waiting for a semi-skill review board.

    Soldiers, I have decided to re-enlist after voluntarily discharging a few years back. This time I have some skills as an advanced paramedic. So when applying the recruiters jumped at the oppurtunity to guide me down the path of semi-skilled entry. I applied in November of 2005 and after all the...