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  1. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    Thank you kindly. I really appreciate it.
  2. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    Alright, I have my first set of paperwork done! Time to activate my application by going to the office and signing the application form plus submitting the paperwork. Here's a question I have researched but found no DIRECT answer. I've searched and became dizzy (yes, gave it an honest try)...
  3. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    It is a good selection, very diverse. - Firefighter, the only thing I would have considered in college. I love the physical and mental aspect to helping people. - Infantry, this would be a challenge for me. Even though I can make minimum fitness levels (and some), I know I'd be put to the test...
  4. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    Alright guys, I've applied online. I wonder how long it'll take for my application to go through. What shall I do in the meantime? :salute: By the way I've put: Firefighter InfantryMan Cook As my top three selections.
  5. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    Update <few months until it's been a year after my initial post>: Hello everyone! I thought I'd update you on my current standing in life. In about 90ish days I will be 19. I've read this entire post again and I'm thankful such advice was given to me. I'm in the process of obtaining my final...
  6. DanielSchnarr

    Biking trip from Kitchener to Toronto.

    Thank you for the link and information.
  7. DanielSchnarr

    Biking trip from Kitchener to Toronto.

    Thanks for the kind words of advice and experiance. For the record I'm riding on a mountain bike. I'm wondering if I should invest into a better suited bike too?
  8. DanielSchnarr

    Biking trip from Kitchener to Toronto.

    Yes, I did in fact do the waterfront trail! Very nice!! Kind salute to you Toronto people  :salute: :cdn:!! edit: My next trip is to Niagra Falls.
  9. DanielSchnarr

    Biking trip from Kitchener to Toronto.

    Hey everyone. Just wanted to share a biking experiance I had over the weekend. Over 3 days me and 2 friends managed to bike to Toronto from Kitchener. I must say it was a challenge and since I've never done this sort of thing -- very unique! My knee caps are sore and I'm sunburnt but I love it...
  10. DanielSchnarr

    Politics or a Better Reason?

    Wow guys I'm sorry about this thread, I really can't re-phrase what I was going to say. The question should be... Do you do this because it's what's best for you, or do it because it's what's best for the country or a combination?
  11. DanielSchnarr

    Politics or a Better Reason?

    Are you involved with the army for personal reasons or political reasons? A lot of people ask me why I'm interested in the army and I tell them it's not ALL about the politics. It's more like a skilled task that needs to be completed by the best. Your thoughts? Applogies granted if this isn't...
  12. DanielSchnarr

    New Army.ca Swag

    I'm getting the olive drab shirt. I'm excited.
  13. DanielSchnarr

    Easter bunny hates you

    People do have a lot of spare time on their hands don't they!  :salute:
  14. DanielSchnarr

    Rules for dating the RSM's daughter

    This is hilarious -- I'm glad my girlfriend's dad isn't like this!! :)
  15. DanielSchnarr

    Are you an Army.ca addict?

    Yeah I'm an addict. I've been on here every time I turned on the computer. (Since I've signed up)
  16. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    That's what I thought. Thank's for confirming.
  17. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    I'm 18 years old, do I still have to get someone to sign?
  18. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    I'm still in school though.. that's my problem. I just need to finish highschool and I'll be ready to go!
  19. DanielSchnarr

    How do you know... this is what you want?

    A lot of people agree with your statement, myself included. Thanks for the kind words. Any ideas when I should edit: apply?
  20. DanielSchnarr

    Easter Greetings

    Same to you! Same to everyone! :)