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  1. Pendant


    Hey ive been gone for a bit and since ive been back i really havnt looked at any of these but im wondering what happened to the PMO for the AOPS and the JSS? did they change sites? were they dropped? i havnt heard anything and i might sound stupid asking this it might be pretty general knowledge...
  2. Pendant

    Naval Reserve Issues

    The naval reserves are in horrible shape right now, i dont know how they look back at nrd's i havnt been at mine in about 3 years but i can tell you that the ships arnt doing to good right now and im not to sure who said it but the commodore saying that the mcdv's are expected to sail 130 days...
  3. Pendant

    Calling All MESOs

    yeah, well you will do your QL1, which i think is over 2 months now, than when your done you wont get GD, you might be thrown on ship without your NETP, ive seen it happen and we need people bad enough now to do it. No spec pay and sea pay isnt to bad. If your doing only 3 weeks on a contract...
  4. Pendant

    Embarrassing NCdt. incident... help?

    Im a PRes in the navy and have been for about 3 years now. I dont remember ever getting a cornflake until i did my test in borden but every unit is different. i dont see what the big deal is wearing a cornflake, i could tell you what the saluting test involves right now. your name is called...
  5. Pendant

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    i see alot of people saying have 2 sets of everything. well i know when i was up in borden last summer i had an extra razor and that was it. alot of people say have an extra tube of toothpaste and everynight squeeze out a little, thats stupid, why not just squueze out that little bit onto a...
  6. Pendant

    Pte. Mark Anthony Graham 1 RCR - 04 Sept 06

    RIP. May the injured recover quickly and my condolences to the families
  7. Pendant

    BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

    i just finished my bmq up in borden, your probably gonna have my instructors. if you have any questions feel free to ask
  8. Pendant

    Fallen Comrades Allied Forces

    The bodies of two American soldiers reported missing in Iraq since Friday have been found south of Baghdad and showed signs of "barbaric torture," a senior Iraqi military official said Tuesday. But the American military said it could not verify that report. Maj. Gen. Abdul-Aziz Mohammed said...
  9. Pendant

    "O'Connor has $8B military 'wish list"

    enough of the politics of it all though i say they choose one aircraft and stick with it because the more they talk about it the longer it will take for the new aircraft to be delivered
  10. Pendant

    The 2006 Stanley Cup Playoff Thread

    Yeah!! good game
  11. Pendant

    The 2006 Stanley Cup Playoff Thread

    Leafs are my team i cheer for but since they arnt in im going for Edmonton. Unfortunetly Edmonton is down 3-1 in the series and i dont see them winning tonight
  12. Pendant

    Harper government may face rough ride over military purchase

    whats new though, every procurement project in the past 30 years has dragged on far to long
  13. Pendant

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    All the stories i've heard have been for people attempting to join the navy so it might be the select few i talked to that had the problem because the navy wasnt interested in them at the time. I know i was applied, was accepted and sworn in within a  3 month period, im not complaining about the...
  14. Pendant

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    you misread my post. Im bored tonight and i read and researched all this. I know i dont have the experience in this but i would like to learn from someone who does. im looking for constructive criticism on what i read and know not destructive.
  15. Pendant

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    ive been readin crap all night, been a really boring night but ive been reading senate reviews on the military, older news i never read, and ive also been taking a look in this forum (i havnt heared anything on this in the forums,  just trying to get across the point that im bored haha)
  16. Pendant

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    and im sorry if it seems like im arguing here i just enjoy a good discussion from time to time lol and i find i learn alot of useful things by doing so
  17. Pendant

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    and it isnt the recruitment standards necessarily that need to be relaxed but the amount of time they spend on determining those standards. They do every possible test to find this out and then they do it over from how long the process takes. ive never done recruiting so i really dont know how...
  18. Pendant

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    right now at this current time canada lacks "Front line" soldiers which are combat arms and the engineers which keep them going. The govt has already made it clear that the majority of their recruiting goals are for the Army. If you go on the recruitment website the Combat arms and Engineers...
  19. Pendant

    Forces struggling to recruit...

    exactly, people will obviously b*tch and complain about being released if they feel they were good enough but the military isnt something you join because there is nothing to do i mean some people who do join for that reason go on to have great careers in the military but for the most part if a...
  20. Pendant

    Summer BMQ in Borden

    what division are you from anyways?