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  1. C

    Application Process Samples [ 2019-present]

    Not sure if this is the right thread for this but what’s the typical wait for the reliability screening currently provided you have a simple file (No debt, no criminal record, haven’t left Canada.)
  2. C

    Ex Transgender Applicant Medical

    What’s the typical range, the Med Tech said 2-3 weeks, and the Recruiter said 3 weeks. Just trying to figure out if I have enough time to get the rest done before starting College in September (Paid Education NCMSTEP)
  3. C

    Ex Transgender Applicant Medical

    Greetings, at the age of 13 I transitioned from Male to Female was on Blockers and & Estrogen for a few years. Recently came off everything when I realized I wanted to join the Military. (Realized I’m fine with living as a dude no regrets.) Can my medical be denied due to me being on meds for a...