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  1. Pte. Koehler

    vision not so good.

    I had the same problem and yes lasik surgery will correct usually better then 20/20. I'm now at 20/15 and just got into the reserves.
  2. Pte. Koehler

    Any winter 2006/07 Reserve DP1s?

    Yes , I'll be on course till about June when I'll then be sent to meaford for BIQ. My BMQ starts in october I believe and then my SQ will begin in Febuary.
  3. Pte. Koehler

    Success after 2 years of trying

    I started applying to become a reservist when I was 19. After paying to have lasik eye surgery, and a bunch of other medical stuff cleared up I finally got sworn in August 9th my BMQ starts in October but until then I get to Parade with 4RCR. Sometimes goals take a lot longer to reach then...