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Search results

  1. fly_lady_fly

    Information on Randy Martin

    I've tried to do so, to no avail. I've followed what I've believed to be all other proper channels and gotten no response. Perhaps I was wrong in posting here.
  2. fly_lady_fly

    Vision Requirements

    nsmedicman, my apologies if you've found the information in the meantime, making this post redundant. From the RCMP recruiting medical/health assessment webpage http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/recruiting/medical_e.htm: Uncorrected (without eyewear and without squinting): 6/18 (20/60) in each eye...
  3. fly_lady_fly

    CF experience relevant to RCMP, civ policing? (merged)

    Being a policing student (BAHS - Police Studies from Georgian College), I've asked this question of professors and recruiters alike (on behalf of my bf, considering policing as a career after his contract expires). I found it interesting, and noteworthy, that the RCMP recruiter I spoke with...
  4. fly_lady_fly

    Information on Randy Martin

    I first want to apologise if I am posting this in the wrong thread, as I have found this to be the most befitting of my inquiry. I am seeking information regarding Pte. Randy Nolan Martin, a dear friend of mine who passed away roughly six weeks ago. All I've been able to obtain so far...
  5. fly_lady_fly

    Movie - Flags of Our Fathers

    Maybe they should have gotten Chuck Norris to direct it. Bet we woulda seen some combat then!!
  6. fly_lady_fly

    Operation Athena Video

    Thanks for the video... Offers a great perspective for everyone. I recently lost a very close friend who was part of Roto 0 of OP Athena. He never talked about being on tour and I was always curious as to his experiences. Your video gave me an idea of what it may have been like for him.. and for...
  7. fly_lady_fly

    Movie - Flags of Our Fathers

    I saw this flick a few days ago with my boyfriend (who loves war movies) and we were both pretty disappointed. I don't want to give up too much in case you decide to see it, but it was more about the US Bond Drive efforts than anything to do with the island. If you're interested in the business...
  8. fly_lady_fly

    Is there any hope for a relationship??

    Navan, I can relate to your situation, my boyfriend's off to BMQ in roughly a month and I've still got 2 years of school left. While I'm confident that things will be fine, I get worried sometimes too, about when I'll be hearing from him or when I'll be able to see him. He tells me that BMQ is...