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Search results

  1. Us3D

    Close Quarter Combat (CQC) [Merged]

    the hand to hand combat is based , on the UFC , its a mix of every martial art. its a 7day training and u must be in a REALY GOOOD SHAPE. u do 2 combat pt every day , and for the rest u learn some tech. at the end of the training u will do a obstacle course witch is very hard. Chance of hurting...
  2. Us3D

    annonce a la télé

    regarde sur www.youtube.com avec un peut de recherche tu va la trouver :)
  3. Us3D

    Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

    One man , One Kit ..          
  4. Us3D

    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

    there is also some bar's were army guys cant go ... the ''route 66'' and the ''tequila''. ( at ''la fiesta'' girls are young , mostly 17-19, but the alcool is not expensive... 2$ for beer/shooter ) try the ''Bethoveen'' friday night ... its the best place to go ! trust me ! ( 5$ cover , beer 2...
  5. Us3D

    BMQ Drop Dead Date

    xmas break for Recruit is from dec 18 to jan 1st
  6. Us3D


    hehe , ill be in a french plotoon , but we might see each other :) if u have msn add me , biquettes@gmail.com
  7. Us3D


    anyone will be on the QMB october 16th ?
  8. Us3D

    Unit Websites

    no one got website from the 22er in quebec ?
  9. Us3D

    New game: army story

    to an other strip club in quebec ....
  10. Us3D

    New game: army story

    to an other strip club...
  11. Us3D

    New game: army story

    but then she saw strip-club and ....
  12. Us3D

    New game: army story

    juliet woke up ! and she
  13. Us3D

    New game: army story

    we ran away
  14. Us3D

    Issued Knee (and elbow) pads?

    i brought some volleyball knee pads like these http://img.shopping.com/cctool/PrdImg/images/pr/177X150/00/01/d7/43/c8/30884808.JPG they are very confortable under your pants : u dont need to tell anyone u have these ...  :)
  15. Us3D

    Tips on how to become a recruit

    well some people dont know what is the military life, sometimes its nice to know what will happen .... but i agree about silly question like the hairbrush thing.... lol
  16. Us3D

    Canadian Forces seem to be succeeding in large-scale recruiting

    thats not true ... u get your pension only if you have 20year of services ,, if u leave the army when u have 40year old and u have done 20 year in the army u get your full pension ...
  17. Us3D

    +200 Soldats ?

    asser clair comme reponce merci :P
  18. Us3D

    Fédéraliste, régalez-vous!

    belle gang de twit sa
  19. Us3D

    SONDAGE : Dans Quelle Élément Vous-Ete Vous Engager ?

    Voici ma question : dans quelle élement vous eve vous engager ? Merci De Vos Reponce ! :cdn: