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  1. gohardkandahar

    AJOC Course Code

    No unfortunatly, and when i inquired with the CT broker he stated that the course code came down from the Career manager and it resulted from my PLAR. Something i find odd is the code for DP2 is stated as AKOX and mine was put down as AJOC, seems like a word of mouth mix up. Not really sure how...
  2. gohardkandahar

    AJOC Course Code

    Yeah rescue swimmer isn't my forte.. Alright sounds good Puckchaser.
  3. gohardkandahar

    AJOC Course Code

    Recently accepted my CT to the regular force as trained ACISS, my CT offer lists that i am qual'd to the level of AJOC - ACISS. I've asked my broker and my unit staff which were unable to find what level of training AJOC is. Anyone know anything about the course code? I have completed ACISS...
  4. gohardkandahar

    Sleeping Brit Prof on Air Canada Plane Wakes Up in Hangar

    I find it sad that none of the passengers getting off the plane didn't have the common sense or decency to wake this guy up....It would be understandable in Toronto, but Vancouver? ;)
  5. gohardkandahar

    Anyone applying or in the recruiting process in BARRIE here?

    I went to CFRC Barrie for my reserve process a few months ago, i am now in the reserve awaiting BMQ. By the way NO Hopeful Barrie Recruiting is really bad for interviews, i had my interview rescheduled 3 times, but i got lucky because it was always on the same day i had another test (CFAT, MED...
  6. gohardkandahar

    Nuke It

    Holy crud little boy took out all of Alliston Ontario! Nuked my High School. :) No school on September 8th and im damn glad i take a bus to school ;D Or should i say used to take.  >:D
  7. gohardkandahar

    MRAP light

    There are quite a bunch of videos on youtube, all of them which are American. I wonder what kinda hell they would pay if their Unit CO saw these?  :o
  8. gohardkandahar

    Arkansas family prepares to welcome their 19th baby!

    When i saw the title i was thinking something like this: Then i read on and found out they are the EXACT opposite. HAH!  ;D
  9. gohardkandahar

    MRAP light

    Well i hope what these guys do isn't one of the causes for rolling. "Marines Ghost Ride the MRAP" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXl3Pdxrn-k
  10. gohardkandahar

    What song is stuck in your head?

    Big News 1 & 2 By Clutch
  11. gohardkandahar

    Orillia Air Show

    I was there! Awesome show!!!!! Even better pictures!!!
  12. gohardkandahar

    Pregnant British woman to be executed in Laos for being drug trafficker

    :o Thats a VERY scary thought! LOCK UP YOUR BAGS PEOPLE!
  13. gohardkandahar

    URINE Questions

    I had my medical done on April 24th and the same thing happened, the med tech sent me on my way and i asked him and he said no. Mind you i am joining the reserves so this might be a different story..... :salute:
  14. gohardkandahar

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    **UPDATE** Recruiting Center: Barrie Regular/Reserve: Reserve Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Signal Operator Trade Choice 2: Supply Tech Trade Choice 3: Line Tech Application Date: Feb/09 First Contact: March 16/09 CFAT: April 1st Medical: April 24th Interview: May 20th PT:May 20th Position...
  15. gohardkandahar

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Barrie Regular/Reserve: Reserve Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Signal Operator Trade Choice 2: Supply Tech Trade Choice 3: Line Tech Application Date: Feb/09 First Contact: March 16/09 CFAT: April 1st Medical: April 24th Interview: April 24th Position Offered: Waiting...
  16. gohardkandahar

    All things Joint Sigs Regt/JSR (merged)

    So does that mean the C9 is a piece of kit you do want on a field EX or a piece of kit you don't want on a field EX?  ;D Serious Question tho
  17. gohardkandahar

    All things Joint Sigs Regt/JSR (merged)

    Just a quick question what does JSR do?
  18. gohardkandahar

    Where Did The Nickname Jimmy Come From?

    Thank you master my googlefu is weak!  ;D Cool, thanks for the info!
  19. gohardkandahar

    Where Did The Nickname Jimmy Come From?

    Apparently it means a Sig Op/ Rad Op? Where the heck they come up with that nick name?  ???  :salute:
  20. gohardkandahar

    Reserve BMQs not running in summer?

    Sorry, my ed-ju-macation not so good!  ;D