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Search results

  1. C

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    DRDC, CTS, what ever. Still results in us getting garbage kit. Shut ém down spend the money on something worthwhile. As for the BEW's, I could wear a bucket over my head and my eyes would be protected. Doesn't mean it's good kit. Every single pair of non-issued BEW's I have seen have straight...
  2. C

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    I normally don't post anything on this site because it usually results in  me getting jacked up, but here it goes. I did the trials on the piece of garbage TV and it along with the other vests that were pretty much identical were all crap. We just picked the one that was the least crappy. They...
  3. C

    Ql3 course

    A friend of mine is currently on his/her Ql3 course in Kingston, and after what I have been told, I have to ask. What is wrong with you people?? Throwing ankle boots through windows, tying CF shirts in knots and kicking them down the hall, Berets and collars down in -30C. Could definatly use...