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  1. S

    military police cap badges

    ??? I was wondering if any of you gentlemen and ladies out there would happen to have a picture of military police insignia you could post for me Thanks
  2. S

    Favourite War Movies

    Don't Forget Heartbreak ridge
  3. S

    What Courses will you be taking this summer?

    sorry torn i must have hit the wrong button
  4. S

    What Courses will you be taking this summer?

    This summer i personally will be doing my bmq(reserves) for 21 days straight or whatever i think that should be atime and a halfbut i am curious to know what everyone else is going to
  5. S

    BMQ in the summer i am going wooohoo!

    I will be attending my bmq this summer  i can't wait does anybody have anything to help me get more of a general idea of what bmq will be like. I know that you do drill, dress, and deportment. But what other stuff will we be doing? and do you think it will be to hard for a sixteen year old to do?
  6. S

    BMQ in the summer i am going wooohoo!

    :salute: :warstory: :skull: :threat:
  7. S

    Changing One Thing

    I agree with CTD